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Tessa leaves and goes back to LA, Jake and Erika get news that they can go home next week just in time for them to stop in Nashville and give Dani back to angel and Dan, Jake starts to notice Erika is not sleeping and eating as much as she needs to, he gets really worried about her and decides to weigh her, she's supposed to weigh about 130, but she weighs 109, Jake comforts her and tells her that he'll keep her on track, they lay down in bed and Jake starts talking to the baby, Erika falls asleep to the sound of his voice, when Jake realizes she's asleep he starts trying to figure out why she's so stressed, He realizes it's because of the wedding planning, he tries to think of solutions, he comes up with having his mom, her mom, and Tessa and Loren help her plan, after he talks to the baby for a little longer, he pulls Erika into his chest and he falls asleep

The Next Morning
*Jake wakes up before Erika and calls Angel and Pam and asks them to come in to LA two weeks after they get back and help Erika plan for the wedding, they agree and hang up after that Jake goes into the kitchen and makes Erika peanut butter, Chocolate, Banana pancakes with eggs and Bacon*
Erika's POV
This morning I woke up in an empty bed, and the smell of bananas, chocolate and peanut butter, those are my three favorite things to eat, I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen and see Jake cooking breakfast, he doesn't see me since his back is to me so I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his bare chest, one of my hands was right over his heart, I felt his heartbeat sync with mine, he turned around and wrapped his arms around me, I hugged him tightly and nuzzled my head into his chest he kissed the top of my head then looked down at me
J- Morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?
E- Morning babe, I slept way better *kisses him* What are you cooking it smells amazing
J- I made your favorite, Banana, Chocolate, and peanut butter pancakes with turkey bacon and eggs, and I made Dani some too
E- You are the best, I love you *smiles and runs her hand through his hair*
J- I love you too *hands her the plate and the glass of Orange Juice she sits down at the counter and starts eating Jake sets 2 pills by her plate she takes them and says thanks Jake goes downstairs and comes back up with Dani in his arms, he sits her in the chair next to Erika and sets the food in front of her*
E- Morning Nana
J- She's net feeling good so I brought her up here so you can check her out, I think she needs to eat a little bit
D- can I go back to sleep I don't feel good?
E- Jake's right you need to eat a little bit
D- I'm not hungry my chest hurts so bad like I feel like I'm going to pass out every five minutes, and my head hurts, my bodies aching, and I'm so cold, but I'm sweating
E- *puts her hand on Dani's forehead and it's freezing, Erika shoots a worried look at Jake and he comes around the counter and picks Dani up, he takes her to their room upstairs and lays her in the bed, he feels her forehead and also realizes she's freezing cold, he gets a couple extra blankets from the closet and tucks Dani in, she instantly falls asleep, Jake walks back downstairs and finds Erika going through medication*
J- She's asleep right now, she looks pretty sick, I'm thinking she has the flu or strep, what are those *points to all the pill bottles*
E- These are all Nana's medications, I can't find her amoxicillin and Niravam
J- Why does she have so many medications? *starts looking through the pill bottles with Erika*
E- about a year and a half ago Nana got diagnosed with a congenital heart defect because she was born about four months early, she went into a heart failure and had to get a heart transplant, so she needs all these medications so she doesn't go back into heart failure, she takes them everyday so her body doesn't reject the heart, and I'm just sort of freaking out because what if she's rejecting the heart, I have no clue what to do, God I can't breathe *starts hyperventilating*
J- *hugs Erika and kisses her forehead* Hey, breathe baby, you've just gotta calm down, let's find her meds and then I'll get us on the first flight back to Nashville, okay?
E- Ok, we need to find her Amoxicillin and Niravam and make her take them, that's what my mom usually gives her when she's sick *Starts looking through the pill bottles with Jake*
J- found it! *holds up the pill bottles and hands them to Erika*
E- Thank god, let's go check on her *starts running up the stairs, Jake walks behind her and gets his phone out*
J- Hey babe
E- Yes baby? *turns around on the stairs*
J- It's all going to be ok, just focus on Dani, I'll call your mom and fill her in and we'll be on the 3 o'clock flight to Nashville, it's like 12 now so I'll start packing
E- Thank you, I love you *walks down stairs hugs Jake, and walks back upstairs with Jake following her*
J- I love you too, now what do you need in your carry-on's?
E- *whispering and checking Dani's pulse, temperature* in my bag I need Dani's meds, all our inhalers, Advil, My pills, and vitamin waters, in Dani's bag can you get her blanket, her sweatshirt, and her pacemaker, and in your bag something to eat, laptops, chargers, and anything else you need
J- Okay, I'll pack our carry- On's Gustov will pack our bags, are sweats a T-shirt and my sweatshirt good for you?
E- sounds good, Thank you baby, but she's still freezing and her heart rates low and weak, we have to get going this isn't good I'll take Dani down stairs so you can start packing
J- Ok, can you please finish your breakfast after you get her situated?
E- Yes, I'm sorry I forgot I'm just a little overwhelmed *runs her hand through her hair*
J- *sighs and hugs her* I know babe, I know, just worry about Nana I'll worry about everything else
E- Ok, I'm going to go downstairs and get Nana ready to go, and I'll eat something
J- Ok, here you go babe *picks up Dani and hands her to Erika*
E- Thanks we'll be downstairs *takes Dani and walks downstairs to the living room, Gustov brings Erika some clothes for Dani and she helps Dani change into some sweat pants and a sweatshirt and lays her on the couch and makes her take her meds then she falls asleep on the couch, Erika feels a sharp pain in her upper abdomen, but shakes it off and finishes her food while watching Dani making sure she's ok*

Erika's POV
When I saw Nana in bed I had a really bad feeling something was really wrong, I'm just a little overwhelmed because I have no clue what to do, I'm so lucky I have Jake to help, he keeps me so calm and collected, he's going to be an amazing dad. After I brought Dani to the couch and helped her change and take her meds she fell asleep again, I walked into the kitchen to finish my food like Jake told me too, and I felt a sharp pain right where I got my spleen removed, it felt like I was being stabbed in my side, it hurt so much that I had to hold on to the counter so I didn't fall down, after the pain passed, I shook it off because me and Jake already have so much on our plates, I walked into the kitchen and finished my food, watched over Dani, and texted Tessa and Loren in our girls group chat about the situation
Text Messages
E- Hey guys, sorry if I'm waking you up but this is super important, so we are coming home early, well coming back into the US, Dani's really sick, like it's bad. So y'all know how she had a heart transplant about a year and a half ago, well her bodies starting to reject the heart, Jake is packing everything right now, and we are flying to Nashville at 3 its about 1 right now, we might be in Nashville for a week maybe even two, see y'all when I see y'all, ily.
T- Are you and Jake ok? When are you getting into Nashville? Is Dani stable right now?
L- Have you called Angel and Dan? Have you taken Care of yourself? Do I need to reschedule you OB/GYN appointment?
E- Jake and I are fine, we are leaving at three here should be getting there about 4am tomorrow, Dani is alright for now, Jake called my mom and Dan, Jake already made me eat and take my pills so I'm fine, and can you cancel the appointment, I'll reschedule it when I get back in LA
L- Ok I'll cancel it, just make sure Dani is ok, and take care of yourself.
T- And if anything happens we will be there in an instant, We love you, be safe
E- I will, get some sleep and in the morning can you guys fill in the team?
L- Sure, bye Rik
T- Bye mikey
E- Bye y'all ily
End of Text messages

Jake's POV
I was packing Erika and I's bags and I realized she's still just in my sweatshirt from last night, and I knew she wanted some sweats so I got her favorite Nike sweats and her favorite t-shirt and finished packing our bags, after I was done I brought our bags and Rik's clothes downstairs she was eating in the kitchen so I walked in the kitchen handed her the pants and shirt and hugged her
J- Everything is packed and ready to go, Gustov is loading up the car right now, here are your pants, and a T-shirt, I packed all our carry-ons and in Dani's back pack I put her blanket, her sweatshirt, and her external pacemaker
E- *puts on the pants and shirt, then puts the sweatshirt back on* Ok, Thank you, are you ready to go?
J- Yea, We have everything we need, it's a 30 minute ride to the airport so do you want something to eat for the car ride there?
E- Yes please, anything's fine
J- Cheese-its?
E- Perfect *Jake takes the box out the pantry and put it in his backpack, he sees Erika getting ready to pick Dani up and he beats her to it*
J- I got her babe, just grab her bag and your bag, and let's get going
E- Ok *picks up the bags* Got them, let's go
*They lock up the house and get in the car, Dani is asleep on Jake's lap and Erika is drifting off on Jake's shoulder, about 15 minutes into the ride Jake is the only one awake, his phone buzzes and he checks his text, it's from an unknown number*
Text messages
?- I am coming for you, your fiancé and your child, be ready, you'll all be dead soon enough *Jake reads it and stays calm so he doesn't wake up and freak out Erika, he thinks it's just some prankster, trying to scare him because of his vlog last week announcing the wedding and the baby*
J- I don't know who you are, but if you ever threaten my family again, I'll have the US attorney arrest your ass, and put you away for life
?- Ok Jakey, just be ready for it
J- Don't ever text me again
?-Ok, bye Jakey
End of Text
Jake's POV
I don't know what the fuck that was, but I will not let them hurt my family, I don't think I'm going to tell Mikey because she is already so overwhelmed, I'll ask our tech guy at the house to track the number and find out who it is, I don't really know what to do other than that I have a lot on my mind, all I can really focus on at the moment is these two amazing girls, I'm really worried about Dani, like while I was packing I had to sit down for a minute and just breathe because I couldn't imagine anything bad ever happening to such a bright soul, Mikey's super overwhelmed and worried right now so I have to keep it together for both of us, I just hope that Nana's going to be ok, she's like my own kid. Mikey and I have had so much fun with her I love these girls *They arrive at the airport and Jake wakes Erika up with a kiss on the forehead, Gustov checks their bags and gets their tickets for them, Jake carries Dani through the airport and Erika is holding hers and Dani's backpacks, they arrive at their gate and get called for boarding*

Authors Note
Sorry I haven't been posting as much, just got home from a very big volleyball tournament, expect 2-4 more chapters by Sunday for sure, and I'm sorry this is a shorter chapter there is a lot of Drama about to happen in the next chapters so be ready, Thanks for reading!!

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