Live For Me

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Jake and Erika get home late from a business meeting, Jake finds Alissa in bed with his brother, and he decides to leave, he remembers Erika saying that she'll be up late, and so Jake realizes Erika is the only person that can calm him down, so he goes to see if she wants to go get a drink with him, but after he knocks on the door and hears Erika scream he kicks the door down, he finds Tyler hurting Erika, so he intervenes, and beats the hell out of Tyler, after that he and Erika get in his truck and get to his thinking spot, where Jake tells Erika he loves her, before she could say it back, Erika started coughing up blood, Jake rushed her to the hospital, they took Erika out of Jake's arms and rushed her off, leaving him in the middle of the ER alone, and covered in Erika's Blood

3 Hours Later
*Jake's heard nothing about Erika, and he's been freaking out since, He's still covered in her blood and he's just sitting there in the corner of the waiting room, praying that she'll live, that she'll live for him, he just wants to see Erika again, so he goes to ask the nurse about her*
J- h-h-hi, d-do you k-know a-anything ab-bout Rik?
*He Stutters because he's so freaked out*
RN- Rik?
J- Erika Costell
RN- Are you family
*Jake has to lie to be told everything so he does*
J-Yes I'm her brother
*He doesn't say husband because they can accuse him of beating her*
RN- Ok well, she's in surgery right now, one of her lungs was punctured by a piece of bone, she has 7 broken ribs, a dislocated jaw, a ruptured spleen, and her radius is fractured, who ever did this to her could've killed her, your lucky you got her here when you did.
J- wow ok, do you know when she'll be out of surgery?
RN- She should be out in about an hour and a half
J- Ok thank you

Jake's POV
Hearing all that about Rik just tore my heart to shreds, how can someone hurt someone like Rik, she's so beautiful and kind and she's just everything you could ever want in a girl. God I loved this girl so fucking much, I don't know what I'd do without her, she has to live, I have nothing without her.

2 hours later
*Erika's finally out of surgery and in a room in the ICU, before Jake goes into the room, he's stopped by a doctor*
J- excuse me my sister is in there please let me see her
D- Listen kid, I know she's not your sister, and it's clear you love this girl, so how about you tell me what the hell she's been through?
J- Your right I do love her, and before you assume anything, I didn't do this to her, I never would, Her boyfriend did this to her, because he was a jealous body building slob.
D- Are you Jake?
J- Yes, Why?
D- Right before we put her under, she said that she loves you to.
J- God, I swear I'm going to marry the girl, and treat her right, if its the last thing I do.
D- I hope you do, because we looked into her medical records, she's been in the hospital 6 times this year for "kickboxing" and "Horse back riding" injuries which I'm guessing aren't the real case.
J- Oh God, can I please go see her?
D- Yes, but just know she's very unstable, and her boyfriend messed her up really badly, so just be ready for anything, ok?
J- Promise, you'll do everything you can.
D- I will
* Jake walks in and closes the door behind himself, he sees Erika in bed her face and arms are covered in bruises, seeing this breaks him, he slides down the door and sits there and cries*
4 Hours pass
*Jake cried himself to sleep but woke up, when he heard the heart monitors beeping faster, He stood up, and ran to Erika's side and held her hand, that's when she tried to speak, but she couldn't Jake asked her some yes and no questions, so she wouldn't have to speak*
J- Can you hear me?
E- * Nods yes*
J- do you remember anything after we said goodnight?
E-* Nods No*
J- Do you want to know?
E-* Nods yes*
J- Ok, Well long story short, Alissa and Logan were hooking up in my bed when I came home, so I left and went to get you to go get a drink with, but when I knocked on the door I heard you scream, so I kicked down the door and saw your boyfriend beating the shit out of you, so I kicked his ass then we left and I drove us to my favorite thinking spot, but then after we got there and cuddled for awhile, you started coughing up all this blood, so I took you here where they found out you had a collapsed lung, 7 broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, and a dislocated jaw, so thats why you can't speak, because that asshole of a boyfriend fucked it up so badly that they had to wire you jaw shut.
E- *starts hyperventilating *
J- Hey, Hey calm down Rik, please just breathe, he's never gonna hurt you again, I promise, just breathe I got you.
E- *starts crying*
J- I'm sorry this happened Rik, but you wanna know something?
E- *Nods yes*
J- I love you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you, you have changed me for the better, when they took you out of my arms in the ER, I felt empty, and broken, and seeing you like this makes me so sad, and angry, and I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect, but I promise I'll always be there, from now on.
E-* pulls Jake into the hospital bed with her and she fall asleep on his chest*
J- *stayed up while Erika slept, he was dead set on keeping his promise, and he never broke his promises*

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