It's ok now...

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Erika's POV
When Mack said that, it's like my world stopped, I couldn't move, then I hit the floor and felt hot tears running down my face, Jake came to my side and pulled me close to him, he picked up the phone and heard what Mack had to say, then he hung up, he picked me up and set me on the bed, without saying a word he quickly grabbed our bags since we didn't unpack he didn't have to do much, he put his suit and my dress into the garment bag, and then he called Joseph, he said to make sure the plane was ready for when we got there, and he asked him to be waiting outside for us, he hung up and then looked at me, I was a mess, he walked over to me, and grabbed my face, he held his forehead to mine, and whispered, to me "it'll be ok, he's a fighter, just stay strong for him, you can do this babygirl, just breathe" I did what he told me, but I couldn't stop crying, he hugged me very tightly, and then he whispered to me "let it all out now, just let it out" I cried even harder, he stood there and held me for about 5 minutes, then I stopped crying, I got it together, and when I did Jake kissed my forehead, and then we got up, Jake handed me some sweatpants and I put them on and Jake grabbed the bags and we walked outside to the car, we got in and Joseph sped all the way to the tarmac, it took about 15 minutes for us to get there, when we get there, They take our bags and we get on the plane when we got on Jake got a call, it was Kade, he put the phone on speaker as Kade talked
J- What's wrong with my kid?
K- Ok so he just got back from testing and he has acute lymphoblastic leukemia
E- m-my b-baby h-has c-cancer?
K- It's treatable, all he needs is a bone marrow transplant
J- Tell the doctors we'll be there in 3 hours, Tell them I'm a match, and I haven't had any liquids and that I'll be ready for surgery as soon as I get there
K- Wait how do you know your a match?
J- Because the dad always matches there child's bone marrow, I know this because Logan had the same thing when he was a little, I'll be there soon, I want updates every 30 minutes bye *hangs up*
E- w-what i-is g-g-going on *starting to breathe very heavily like she's about to have a panic attack*
J- *pulls Erika into his chest and hugs her very tightly* Calm down babygirl, just breathe, he's going to be fine, it's an easy fix, I promise he's going to be ok, Just breathe, in and out *Erika breathes in and out and starts crying again Jake hold her in his lap hugging her as she cries, she stops crying about 10 minutes later, Jake realizes she fell asleep, so he holds her and looks out the window watching all the mountains passing by, then he starts silently sobbing, quietly enough so he doesn't wake Erika up*

Jake's POV
When Mack told me what was going on and how Branson was going to the hospital I wanted to scream and cry, but I couldn't not in front of Mikey, she's a wreck, and I had to be there for her, but honestly I don't know if Branson is going to be ok, I didn't tell Erika how Logan coded 4 times and had two emergency surgeries before he was "ok", so while Mikey was sleep, I let it out, I leg it all out, I cried for at least an Hour, I didn't know if my baby boy was going to be ok, and as a parent that feeling kills you, not knowing if one if the most important things in your life will still be in your life after today is terrifying to a parent, I silently prayed the entire plane ride home, that he would continue to be strong and fight, Mikey couldn't lose him, and neither can I, as soon as we touch down, I stopped crying, I got Mikey up and we bolted off the plane, we grabbed our bags a went straight to the hospital, as soon as we got there, they put me in a room, and started prepping me for surgery, they had to run some test to make sure everything would be good, so I had to wait, Mikey walked out for a minute and came back in with The Girls, My mom, Nana, and Pax, Nana had clearly been crying so I pulled her into the bed and hugged her very tightly, Paxton started crying so Mikey grabbed the diaper bag and grabbed her cover blanket and sat in the chair and fed him, I kissed Nana's forehead as she cried into my chest, after about 15 minutes she stopped crying and hugged me again, and got out of bed, and went and laid her head in My mom's lap and fell asleep, the girls were all standing at the foot of my bed, and I wanted to know how Branson was doing and where the guys are
J- where are the boys, and how's Branson
S- They are making sure nothing happens to Branson
Ali- the doctors put Branson to sleep so he wouldn't fuss, he's in the NICU, asleep on Tony
J- Ok good
E- You all done baby? *pulls Paxton off of her and burps him and adjust herself, she stands up and holds Jake's hand and Paxton*
J- Can I see him babygirl?
E- Yea, I'm going to go check On Branson in the NICU, I'll FaceTime you so you can see him *hands him Paxton and kisses him, and walks out the room*
J- Will you guys go with her and make sure she doesn't start crying again?
Ali,T,S,&M- Sure bye
J- Bye ladies *they walk out and Jake looks at his mom who is sleeping, along with Nana, then he looks down at Paxton and one tear runs down his face, Paxton looks up at Jake, Jake sniffles*
J- Hey Pax, I missed you baby boy *smiles and kisses his forehead making Paxton laugh* You know you're brother is really sick, but he's gonna get better, and we are going to be ok * Paxton smiles and lifts his arms, Jake kisses his forehead again and lays Paxton down on his chest,  as he does this his phone rings, he picks it up and Erika is facetiming  him, he answers*
J- Hey babygirl
E- Hi bubba, he's sleeping right now, and I can't hold him because he's too sick, but here he is *flips the camera and shows Branson, who has a tube down his throat, and all these wires on him*
J- Hey baby boy, I know you can't hear me right now but I just want to say I love you, and that it's gonna be ok, just stay strong, Daddy loves you baby boy *Erika flips the camera around and she looks like she's about to start crying again*
J- Baby girl how about you come back down here and come lay down with Pax and I, he would really like that, right pax? *shows her Paxton who is smiling*
E- O-Ok I'll be right down *hangs up* bye baby boy I love you *waves a Branson and walks out to where the boys and the girls are waiting, she looks at Sunny Alissa Tessa and Mackenzie and starts crying, they all hug her and try to get her to stop crying, when they do they walk with her down stairs and to Jake's room and walk in with her, Jake sees her eyes and pats the bed next to him, she walks over to him and Paxton and gets on the bed, she lays down on the bed and puts her head on Jake's chest laying next to Paxton, Jake mouthed Thank you to the girls as they walked out, as soon as Erika heard the door close she started crying into Jake's chest, Jake let her cry, he just rubbed her back and told her everything was going to be ok, Erika eventually stopped crying, after about 30 more minutes the doctor came back in, he said everything was ready to go and they were going to take Jake and Branson up and get them ready for surgery, before they wheel him out he stops them and pulls Erika close to him*
J- I love you baby girl *kisses her* Don't worry, we'll be ok, I promise
E- I love you too bubba, I'll see you when you get out of surgery
J- Bye baby boy, I love you, I'll see you later *kisses his forehead* I'll be back soon Nana, Love you
D- Love you too Jakey
J- Mom I love you
P- I love you too see you tomorrow I'm going to take Nan back to the condo
J- Ok, thank you, alright I'll see y'all after surgery
TT- bye *They roll Jake into the OR and they begin the surgery, Erika Let's Tessa and Alissa take Paxton home, and tells the rest of them to go home as well, they all do, and Erika is left alone in the hospital room, with her thoughts*

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