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*January 31st, 2 weeks after the twins are born, Paxton and Branson have been cleared to go, it took a little longer because Paxton had some vascular issues but now they are all able to go home it's about 7:30 pm right now, Jake is packing while Erika is feeding Branson, Jake finishes packing and brings their bags down to the car, and he brings up the car seats, when he gets back to the room Branson is done eating and now both the boys are sleeping, He gently puts them in the car seats, after he gets them strapped in he picks up both carriers, and They both walk out, they get to the car and strap In the boys, then they get in and start driving home*
E- I'm so happy their going home
J- I know I was a little scared about Pax because they stuck a big needle in him and he was screaming so much , and all I wanted to do was hold him and stop them from hurting him, but I couldn't
E- awww bubba, I know I don't think that'll ever stop now
J- I'm just glad that you and the boys are ok
E- I can't wait for the team to meet them
J- Same *Paxton starts screaming and crying*
E- Come on Pax I know you're hungry but just wait we are going to be home in 2 minutes *he Continues crying* ugh Ok, let me get him out the seat
Jake's POV
Mikey crawled out the seat and into the back, and got Paxton out of the seat she looked at Branson who is sleeping, and she smiled it was so cute, she's such a good mom, then she crawled back into the front of the Tesla with Paxton in her arm, she say down and buckles up, and just rocked Paxton, he started trying to grab for her boob, but she wouldn't let him, he kept crying until I pulled up to the house, We got out and I grabbed Branson out of the car seat and got the bags, Erika got the diaper bag and we walk into the house Erika took Paxton upstairs to our room and I took Branson to the Nursery, the team helped set up the last few things we needed in it, but we decided to keep the nursery grey, because we didn't feel like it needed to be a blue or anything, the whole team hasn't met the babies yet, but Erika texted them before we got home and told them that the boys were sleeping so they could meet them after they all said Ok and that they would get some food for us while they were out, after I changed Branson and put him in the crib, gave him a kiss on the forehead, And grabbed the monitor, I quietly shut the door and walked right across the hall into our room, Mikey was sitting their feeding Pax, with a blanket covering him and herself, I went, took my shirt off and laid down next to her
J- He's all good, he was out like a light
E- Thank god, he wouldn't sleep all night last night
J- Yea I know he's a wild child, anyway how's Pax?
E- *giggles* He's Hungry
J- That's good, it means he's going to get bigger
E- Yea, *Paxton Let's go Of Erika* Oh and someone's full *pulls down her shirt and pulls off the cover, and hands him to Jake so he can be burped, Jake takes him and burps him, then props his knees up and lays Paxton on them, and plays with him*
J- Hey Pax, hi it's me daddy, Are you full? *tickles Paxton's belly making him laugh*
J- Babygirl!! He laughed! Did you hear that? He laughed! *smiles and looks at Erika who is crying*
Erika's POV
I was just watching Jake play with Pax and I was so happy, but then I thought about my mom, and how her and Dan would love to meet them, and I couldn't control it, They've missed so much, they don't get to meet their grandkids and it breaks my heart, seeing Jake with them made me think about all the things my parents wouldn't get to see, and I started to cry
J-*Sits up and sits Paxton up, Paxton lays his head down on Jake's chest and starts falling asleep * Babygirl, what's wrong? Please don't cry
E- Jake I miss them, I miss them so much, They would love to meet the boys, I wish they could meet them
J- look at me,*keeps her head down* Erika, look at me babygirl *Erika looks up and cries even harder* I know baby, I know but please don't cry, I know it's hard, but trust me, you're mom and Dad have met the boys and they love them very much, I know it hurts baby, I know it does, but don't cry, They don't want to see you cry, I don't want to see you cry, Pax doesn't want to see you cry, either right Pax? *looks down at Paxton and sees he's sleeping, Erika sees this and laughs*
J- There's the laugh that I fell in love with
E- Thank you bubba
J- Anything for you babygirl, I love you
E- I love you too *they kiss and Erika gets out of bed, she goes to the bathroom, and then Jake hears Branson crying so he gets up and holds Paxton in one arm and walks into the nursery and Branson is crying, he checks his diaper and its clean He picks him up and he's still crying, so he takes him out of the  nursery and brings him back to their room, where Erika is laying in bed*
J- Someone's hungry
E- Aww give my baby here *Jake hands him to Erika and she lifts up her shirt, he reaches for her boob she moves him closer and he latches on, she covers him with a blanket, Jake is playing with Paxton, She takes a video of Jake playing with Paxton, and post it, Paxton yawns and Jake picks him up off the bed and lays him on his chest, Jake sits back next to Erika and she leans her head on his shoulder*
J- You tired?
E- Yea, and I'm out *Pulls Branson off her chest and pulls down her shirt, Branson starts crying* Oh come on Branson, you and Pax sucked me dry
J- I'll go make a bottle
E- Ok, here I'll take Pax *takes him Off Jake's chest and holds him and Branson, Jake gets up and walks downstairs*
E- Hey Pax, Hey Branson, what ya doing buddies? *shes tickles both the boys and they laugh, she kisses their foreheads and continues to play with them till Jake walks in*
J- I made two bottles because I know Pax is gonna get hungry soon *hands her one and sets the other on the table, he lays down on the bed and takes Paxton and lays him back on his chest*
E- Thank you bubba *holds the bottle up for Branson to drink, but instead he moves his head away and starts crying* Come on Branson, please eat, you have to, I don't have anymore milk buddy, please just eat *he is still crying*
J- Here let me see him *they trade the babies and Erika hands him the bottle* Hey Branson, I need you to eat buddy, I know you're hungry, but Momma doesn't have anything left in her right now, so can you please just not be picky, just for right now, Please? *Jake holds the bottle back up and Branson starts drinking*
E- Damn you're good *smiles and kisses him, they watch TV, for about 10 minutes and then the team comes in and everyone quietly walks into their room, and awwws*
T- *whispers* Omg They're so small
E- You want to hold your nephew?
T- Omg yes *Takes Paxton out of Erika's arms and he wakes up and smiles at her* Aww he smiled at me
E- Yea he thinks everything is so funny
T- Which one is this
E- Paxton
T- Aww hello Pax, I'm your aunt Tessa
S- Oh Rik here's y'alls food
J- Thank god I'm starving, here feed Branson *hands Branson to Sunny, and opens up his and Erika's food and they both start eating as the babies are being passed around the room, by the time Jake and Erika finish eating, Paxton and Branson are asleep, Mackenzie and Kade are holding them*
M- Aww they are so cute
K- I have been waiting for this day forever *everyone laughs and then Mackenzie whispers something to Kade and he nods his head*
M- Ok guys well Kade and I have something to tell you
K- Not only will I be Uncle Kade, but I'll be Daddy Kade too
E- Sunny shut up, do you know how hard it is to get these 2 to go to sleep? congrats you guys I'm so happy for you
T- I'm gonna be a double aunt!!! Yes!
*Everyone congratulates them and Erika and Jake take the babies back*
Ali- Are you putting them to bed?
E- Yea They're tired
Ali- Ok, after do y'all want to go do team movie night after in the movie room?
E- Sure, does anyone know where Dani is?
T- She went to stay the night at Pam's condo
J&E- She has a condo?
T- Yea she bought it because she wants to be closer to the babies, and be there when y'all need help
J- Oh Ok sounds good, well let me go put these two to bed than I'll meet you down their *gets up and tries to take Branson for Erika*
E- I'm coming too
J- You don't have to babygirl
E- But I want to say goodnight to my baby boys and I need a picture of you 3 together
J- Ugh fine let me put a shirt on
E- Put the black JP one on because I had black JP onesies made
J- Gosh You're such a mom *chuckles and walks into the closet and puts on the shirt, he walks back into the room and picks up Paxton off the bed and follows Erika into the nursery, He takes off Paxton's white onesie, changes his diaper and puts him in the black JP onesie, Erika does the same  with Branson, she puts beanies on them with their names on them, and then she Hands Branson to Jake, Jake sits down in the rocking chair, and holds one sleeping twin in each arm, Erika takes a picture and posts it with the caption "My Boys😊", She takes Paxton out of his arms and lays him in the crib*
E- *whispers* Night baby boy I love you *kisses his forehead, and covers him with a blanket, she goes over to Branson and kisses his forehead, and Jake kisses Paxton's forehead, they take the monitor and quietly close the door, they walk downstairs and into the movie room, they sit down with everyone and watch a couple movies, Everyone goes to bed and around 2:30 Paxton starts screaming, Jake almost jumps up*
J- I got him
E- Ok if he's hungry just being him here with my blanket
J- Ok be right back *runs to the nursery and checks on Paxton, he realizes he's hungry and grabs Erika's cover blanket and comes back with Paxton, who is screaming*
E- Oh someone is really hungry aren't they *covers herself up and pulls up her shirt, Paxton starts grabbing for her boob and she lets him latch on* Whoa easy their tiger, you're brother's gonna be a pain if you make him drink the  formula again *Branson starts crying*
J- I got him *gets up and runs to the nursery and gets Branson who is also hungry, he brings him back to Erika* He's hungry too
E- Ok give him here *Jake hands Branson to her and she latches him on her other boob*
E- Hey bubba will you go and make 2 bottles and warm them up, I'm gonna run out soon
J- Sure Babygirl be right back *runs to the kitchen Makes 2 bottles and warms them up and brings them back up to Erika*
E- Ok thank god These 2 are getting fussy, can you take Branson?
J- Sure hand him here *she hands Branson to Jake and then hands him the bottle*
J- Alright little man, I just need you to drink so you can go back to sleep, so can you please just do me this solid? *Branson stops moving and starts drinking*
J- Yes Got it, man I'm good
E- *giggles* Now give him here and do the same with Paxton because he is not having it *Jake hands her Branson and Takes Paxton*
J- Hey Pax, listen Man, I need you to help daddy out and drink up, because momma doesn't have anything left right now for you to drink, so can you please just drink from the bottle? please for daddy? *Paxton starts screaming*
J- Oh come on baby boy, please don't start crying *starts rocking him back and forth after about 20 minutes of him screaming and refusing the bottle Jake tries to figure something out*
J- Let's call mom
E- Bubba It's 3 in the morning
J- It's my mom she won't care
E- Ok fine *Jake calls pam*
J- Hey mom we got a little issue here
P- What's up?
J- It's Pax, he won't stop crying and Erika's out of milk
P- Is he drinking from the bottle?
J- No, he won't
P-Erika how long was he eating from you?
E- 20 minutes maybe more
P- He's not hungry anymore, he just needs to be burped and held
J- Ok thanks mom night
P- Night *they hang up and Jake burps Paxton, but he's still crying*
E- Jake Take your shirt off
J- Why?
E- Take your shirt off and take Pax's onesie off and lay him on your chest, it calms him down
J- Ok *Takes off Paxton's onesie and his shirt and lays him on his chest, Paxton puts his tiny hand right on Jake's heart and immediately stops crying*
E- Aw my baby boy loves his daddy
J- *kisses his forehead and puts his hand on Paxton's*
J- Can I have Branson too?
E- Sure just let him finish his bottle, he's being a little slow
J- Ok babygirl
E- *Erika looks at Jake and smiles, she kisses him and looks back at Branson who is done with the bottle*
E- You all done buddy *sits him up and burps him, then takes him out of his onesie and lays him right next to Paxton on Jake's chest, Branson instantly falls asleep*
J- many my boys are tired
E- So is your wife *yawns and lays down*
J- I think we should keep the boys in here for tonight
E- Ok * Jake sits up with both the boys in his arms and walks over to the bassinets, he lays Branson down and covers him and then he tries to lay Paxton down, when he takes Paxton off his chest, Paxton starts screaming*
E-what's wrong?
J- he doesn't want me to put him down
E- Ok bring him back to bed looks like he's sleeping with us a
J- Ok *he puts Paxton back on his chest and lays back down on the bed, Erika lays her head on the other side of Jake's chest and puts her hand on Paxton, Jake kisses both their foreheads and they all fall asleep*

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