Chapter 3

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"You know my wife is pregnant dude, I can't go drinking tonight"my best friend Taylor said

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"You know my wife is pregnant dude, I can't go drinking tonight"my best friend Taylor said. I sigh looking at the sky. I told the guy to go get my Mercedes Benz so I can leave. It's 2:30 AM and I'm tired.

"Im sorry dude, I didn't know"I chuckle. "Tell your wife I said hey"I waved goodbye and walk to my car. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry sir"he said the walk away. I hop in my car looking around to see if he didn't steal anything. Everything was there. Now, it's time to get home.

My name is Zion Martin. I'm 30 years old and of course earlier you saw that was a doctor. Yes, I love helping people out and make them feel better. I have a wife name Kimberly. We met at this party at my parents house. My sister knew her and hook me up with Kim. She was beautiful at first but I had eyes on another.

Zoya been working with me since I started working at the hospital. That's who I have my eyes on. She is so beautiful and smart and have a body like a goddess. Yes, I love black women. I work with them all the time and that what made me get closer to them. They look like walking Hershey bars. My favorite.

I pulled up to my beautiful home. Thank God I'm home. I'm so tired. I hop out the car grabbing my bag and phone. I close the door and lock it. I walk to my door and unlock it. Right when I unlock it, Kimberly jump right into my arms. She kiss my neck then my jawline.

"I miss you baby"she whisper.

"I miss you too"I smile then kiss her lips.

"I want you right now"she whisper into my ear and bit it softly. I don't know if I want to have sex right now. I'm tired as hell and I want to go to bed cause I do have work tomorrow around 10AM.

"Not tonight sweetie"I put her down then made my way to the room. I heard her sigh loudly.

"Really Zion. This happens every night"

"Every night? I come home from work and I'm tired baby, I have to get up for 9 and be at work around 10. I can't do it"I said then proceed into the room.

"Fine then. Go ahead and go fuck zoya like you always do"I heard her say. I know damn well she didn't say that. But I'ma just ignore her and go to sleep.


I woke up feeling so good right now. I look down at the manhood seeing Kimberly doing her job. I can't stop her. It felt so good and I needed that. I look at the clock seeing that it was 8:50AM. I have to get dress.

"Okay baby, thanks for the love but I have to go"I sat up but she brought me back down.

"Just call in sick today baby. I'll take good care of you"she smile. I sigh looking at the time again. I'm not about to do this again. Letting her take control of me.

"I said no"I got up and pull up my boxers. "I have work"


I walk in my station where all the nurses was. Today is a new day and I want it to go smoothly. I just fired one of my girls and I don't want to fire no one else.

"Hi Mr. Martin"one of the nurses wave at me.

"Hey"I said lowly. "Where is Amber and zoya?"I ask.

"Uhhhh, we don't know"they said.

"Maybe they downstairs getting breakfast"the other nurse said.

"Okay when you see them, tell them Dr. Martin needs them at the emergency room today"I said. I made my way to the elevator so I can be downstairs at a good time. They wanted me downstairs in the emergency room. So I wanted my two good nurses. Amber and Zoya. Specially Zoya.


So yeah, new BWWM book. I'ma see how far can this book go cause it seems like it will be a good book. Just comment and vote on it so I can know that y'all like it.

Peace✌ and love❤

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