Chapter 24

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"You need to take his ass to court zoya. Stop sitting here feeling bad for this punk ass"zable said.

"Your sister right, you need to do something"Amber said. I sigh looking at the pictures zable printed out. There was bruises on my face, my back, and my inner thighs. Zion would never do this.  Something is so wrong with him.

A tear came down my eyes as I look at the bruises. "Don't tell Jason. Jason will kilk him"

"He should"Amber said.

"I will take him to court. But I dont have a lawyer"I said.

"Okay"zable said. "Let's take this to the police station"

"The police?"I ask confuse.

"Yes zoya, the police. He almost of could of killed you"zable walk away.

"Zoya, zable is very angry. He deserve it"Amber said hugging me. I cried in her arms. "It's okay baby"

"Amber, he was so forceful. His eyes wasn't the same"I cried.

"That mother fucker going to jail, don't worry"Amber said.

"Do I have to get a transfer?"I ask.

"Hell yeah, you can't stay there zoya, you have to leave"she said. 

I nod my head looking at the table. I just wanted to rest my body till something rumble in my stomach. All of a sudden it came up to my mouth so quick.

"Shit zoya!"Amber yelled. I ran to the trash can empty some of it out. "Zoya, you okay"Amber rub my back.

"No"I sniffle. "I need to clean myself up"


I walk in the police station looking for someone to help me. The men was looking at me.

"Is that the girl at the strip club?"one of them said.

"Yeah, but she dont work there no more"the other said.

"Excuse me, where is ghe chief?"I ask.

"Is everything alright?"the lady ask.

"Yeah well no. My sister was rape and beat by this man she knew"

"So you need a restraining order?"how stupid is she?

"No, I need to talk to the chief about a court day and I want his ass in jail"I said.

"Okay, let me call the chief"the lady said.

"Thank you"


Is this book really good? Or better. Listen to the song, i really love Lauryn hill😍

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