Chapter 33

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The tv light up the room as I watch big bang theory by myself. Zable went to her room to sleep. She still feels bad and her side still hurt.

I look at my phone seeing a text from Jason. He wanted me to open the door for him. I got out my bed rubbing my belly. This baby is growing. I hope it will be a girl. I always wanted a girl. I walk to the door and then open it seeing Jason with Kimberly. It shock me. Shock me good.

"Why the fuck she here?"I ask.

"Zoya, calm down. She a victim too"Jason step in the apartment with Kim behind him.

"What happened? Why is there blood on your shirt?"I ask.

"I punch him and broke or crack his rubs"Jason said getting two waters for him and Kim. "Zoya, i have to tell you something.  Don't be mad at me"

"You killed him"I said. "I'm not mad about that"

"No, it's about Kimberly"he said. I look at Kim then back at him. "Kim is pregnant with my baby. Not Zion"

I didn't say shit. Why is my life living hell now? God what did I do to deserve this? "Say something"

"What the hell Jason?"I cried. "You cheated on me with her"

"Babe, me and kim went out when you wasn't down here. We been together till her parents didn't like a black man"Jason glared at Kim. "They wanted her with Zion and Zion came and  stole her away from me. I wanted revenge and got her  pregnant"

I sat on the couch wiping my eyes. "You knew Kim this whole time!"I semi yelled. "Jason, I'm so mad right now at you, at Zion, and at myself"

"Don't be mad at yourself"Jason said.

"Zoya I'm sorry about Zion, he have an...."I stop her.

"I want both of you out my apartment please"I said sniffling. "Jason don't text me not call me again"

"Look at least I told you the truth about us zoya"Jason said.

"Do you think I care"I said looking at him. "Leave please"i put my head down on the couch. I was so tired and sick of things.

I need to find a different place to stay and away from these people. 

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