Chapter 15

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I watch as zoya slept in my chest snoring. I smile at her little snores and rub her cheek. I can't stay here. My wife will start calling me and if I dont answer, she will start tracking me down.  She put a tracker in my phone. Crazy.

"Zoya"I raise up a bit.

"Where you going?"she ask in a raspy voice. She push me back down a bit wanting for me to stay.

"Baby, I have to go home and check on my wife"I chuckle. She push me away from her and covered up.

"Bye"she said bluntly. "Tell that bitch I said hello"

"Look,for one she aint a bitch"I said getting a bit mad. I mean Kimberly is still my wife.

"Well she a loyal dog. She loyal to your doggish ass who's fucking me when wifey cuts up"she rolled her eyes and went back to laying down.

"You want to get fired by me. Cause i can do that!"I yelled.

"Aye yo. Can you leave cause you disturbing my sleep"i heard her sister say.

"Sorry. I should leave"I grab my phone and keys. I walk to the door opening but look back at zoya. She was already asleep not even worried about me. I slam the door walking down the stairs to my car.

I hop in my BMW starting it up and pulling off.


I pull up to the house seeing Kim car in the driveway with my sister car behind hers. I sigh loudly not wanting to go in. "Fuck"

I hop out the car closing it and then lock it. I walk up to the door and open it hearing my sister and Kim laughing. 

"And this black nigger whore name zoya keeps creeping up on Zion and asking him for sex. Like can she get a nigger for her own"I heard Kim say.

This is why I can't be with her. She's racist. I walk in the kitchen looking at Kim and my sister.

"Hey brother"my sister waved. Kimberly rolled her eyes and got up. "Well, I see you later"my sister grab her bag and walk to the door.

"So this is what you tell my sister. That I'm fucking my co-workers!"I yelled.

"I don't know, are you fucking that nigger?"she smile. "That's right, I said it"

I breath in and out letting it go. "You know what. Your right why I'm fucking that nigger"I smile.

She smile back and jump up on me. "Thank God your on my side"she kiss my lips passionately. 

"Lets make a baby"I smile.

"You serious"she gasp.

"Yes, i want some babies"I kiss her lips.

"Okay. When can we start?"she ask seductively.


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