Chapter 44

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I woke up feeling my little princess kicking me like crazy. She wants me to get up I guess. I got up from bed stretching my arms out. I walk to the bathroom so I do my hygienes and take a shower.

After taking my shower and doing my hygienes, I went to closet so I can get dress. I pick out a green tight dress. Just a outfit to walk around in.

I put on my outfit and went to the large mirror. I took out my phone and snap a picture. Just to see how big my bump is and how good looking I am.

Looking good tho

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Looking good tho.

"Morning, I'm going out by my friend"zable said. Not again.

"Who is this friend?"I ask.

"A friend"she said. "He's taking me out on a breakfast date"

"Okay"I nod my head. I continue looking at myself in the mirror. I kept thinking about of what happen yesterday. Brad is a total sweetheart.

He wanted me to come back to the diner to see him. So ima go. I want to see him again.


I walk in the restaurant looking at the people who was talking. I sat at the bar waiting for brad to come my way. He was taking these girls orders who was flirting with him but he didn't flirt back.

He came my way smiling big. "You came"he said.

"Yeah, I'm starving tho"I said.

"Alright. What you want? The usual"he smile.

"Pancake and hash browns this time"I said.

"And your drink?"

"Water"I said. He nod his head while taking the order. He walk to the back giving the chef the note.

I look down at my phone seeing a text from Amber.


BFF- girl I miss you so much

Me- me too girl. It's so boring out here

BFF- start working at a hospital

Me- I dont know Amber

BFF- okay, have a good day tho. Got to get back to work

Me- love you

"Hey"I felt someone touch me from behind. I turn around seeing Zion with some papers in his hand.

"What you doing here?"I ask.

"Can i help you with something?"Brad ask.

"Ummm, I'm looking for the manager"Zion said.

"What you need the manager for?"Brad ask.

"Just find me the damn manager"Zion said.

"Zion please leave him alone, he's doing his job"I said.

Zion look at brad then me. He started chuckling then shook his head. "You and him now. What happen to Jason?"

"Can we talk outside please?"I ask.


"Don't ruin it for yourself"I rub my stomach. He back away from me and hed to the door. I got up from my seat and followed him.

We was now outside looking at each other face to face.

"Zion, don't come here and ruin my life again"I said.

"Just jealous seeing you with another man"he said. "Like i said, I love you"

"You love this baby. Focus on this baby"I said.

"I am"he said touching my stomach. "I'm trying to get this diner under my control"

"Why?"I ask. "Why you ruining people lives?"

"You dont understand do you. I'm not from Boston, I'm from this small little town zoya. This diner belong to my grandma"he look at the diner.

"So you want it back"I said.

"Yeah, got to keep the family diner alive"he said. "I have to get in there and talk to the owner or manager"he walk back inside the diner leaving me outside.

This is gone end up bad for brad. I know how Zion is. He will fired brad for talking to me.


Okay, I need some more characters in this story.


I need your
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