Chapter 8

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I woke up after a long night of party and drinking

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I woke up after a long night of party and drinking. Good thing I called a Uber to pick me and Amber up cause I was bout to die just standing up and talking to people. I wanted to puke on people clothing cause they didn't know how to dress and was wearing loud colors. God help them.

"God help me"I stretch out of bed. I look up at the ceiling sighing loudly. "Shit I left my car at the club. That's right, I did left my car at the club. Now I have to find some to drop me off so I can get my car. It's a nice car too so I need my baby girl back. I grab my phone so I can text Amber ass. No, I'ma call her.

I press the numbers dialing Amber phone number. I put it to my ear waiting for her to answer. Finally she pick up.

"Hello, Amber. Hey look I need you to pick me from my house so I can get my car from the club"

"Really Zoya, this early in the morning"

"I pay you"

"Hurry up and get dress, I'm on my way"

This girl here. What can I do with her? I hop out the bed and walk to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and took a good oh shower. I went to my closet to find something to wear.

I pick out a white shirt, khaki joggers, my Nike shoes and my gold watch. I put on my Victoria secret panties and bra. I then put on my clothing. I pick up my phone, earphones, and purse. Time to go.


"So my car ain't here?"I ask the man who owns the club. He nod his head.

"I'm sorry mam"he said then walk back in the club. Who the hell took my car then?

"I know who took it"the security guard said.

"Who? Please tell me"I said.

"This tow truck company"he gave me the card. I nod my head and walk back to Amber car.

"Where to madam?"she ask. I showed her the card and she nod her head.


I walk in the place looking for someone who knows anything about my car. This man with hazel eyes was talking to these group of men laughing and joking around. He was fine too.

"Lawd Jesus"Amber said

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"Lawd Jesus"Amber said. "Is he married?"

"Amber"this man called her name. "How you doing baby?"

"Oh lawd"she walk away from me. I shook my head at her and tap the man shoulder. He turn to me and lawd. I was in love all over again.

"Ummmm, I was wondering did yall pick up a 2016 Toyota Camry"I said.

"Ohhhh yeah"he smile.

"Okay, where is it?"

"It will be, 200$ to release it"he said smiling at me.

"200$? God that's a lot"I sigh.

"Aye look, I won't charge you unless you give me your number"he said.

He one of those fuck boys. "Ummmm"I look both ways. I guess I might give it to him. "Its....."

"Jason, I got this. Pull up her car"this white man said. The dude pointed at the sheet.

"Write it down"he said. I nod my head and wrote down my number. I rip the paper and gave it to him. He smile at me grabbing my keys from my hand and walk away.

"Soooo, can I get your number?"the man said smiling. I scoff at him and walk away.

Foolish man.

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