Chapter 21

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"How is work?"Jason ask me as I sat behind the desk. He really wanted to see me and came to visit my job. I'm so happy that he's here.

"Work is boring"I said smiling like a school girl. 

"Look up at me"Jason said.


"Look up"

"No"I laugh.

"Baby, look up"he came behind the desk starting wrestling with me. I wad laughing like crazy, like my whole stomach started hurting.

"Zoya!"somebody yelled. I look up seeing Zion with another doctor.

"I'm so sorry sir. I was just leaving my wife something to eat and giving her a goodbye kiss"Jason said causing me to giggle.

"Excuse you"Zion said. "Zoya aint married"

"You don't know that. Zoya very shy about her love life and im so upset you didnt tell nobody"Jason nudge me.

"You need to leave"Zion said.

"I'm bout to. Give me one last kiss"Jason said.

"Bye Jason"I said.

"You serious. No kiss"he said. I smile then gave him a kiss. "That's more like it"

"Leave!"Zion yelled. Jason gave him the evil eye. "Now. Before I call the police"

"Like all white people do. Call the police on the black man"Jason got in Zion face. "Call them"

"Jason just go, I'll see you at home"I said.

"Okay baby"Jason smile in Zion face and left.

"I should get going and check on my patient"the other doctor left.

"Why?"Zion ask.

"Me and you don't go out no more. So why you acting like a ass right now"I said getting up going to the medicine closet.

"You want to see why I act a ass huh"he push me against the medicine knocking down the some medicine on the floor.

"Zion leave me alone"I tried on pushing him away from me but he was to strong. He pull my shirt up trying to get to my brest. "Zion move!!!"I yelled.

He punch my cheek knocking me down on the floor. Blood fall out my mouth. He then pull my pants down moving my panties to the side. I tried on screaming but he cover my mouth so no one won't hear me.

"This what you want huh. You this from me, you want me to act a ass"he said into my ear.

All i did was scream loudly. But no one can hear me. He flip me on my back hard making all my back hurt.

The last thing I hear him say was.  "Ima make your life miserable"

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