Chapter 23

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"Shit! Shit!"I yelled while slamming some plates on the floor

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"Shit! Shit!"I yelled while slamming some plates on the floor. I'm not crazy even tho I'm acting a bit crazy. I shouldn't of never did what I  did to her. The look on her face was so unbearable. I couldn't even look at her. I can't even look at myself.

"Zion, what the hell is going on!"Kimberly yelled. This bitch. God this bitch got me like this. If I wasn't married I would of had zoya in this house with me.

"It's your fault you fake bitch!! I rape her!"I cried. Kimberly eyes widen.

"Who did you rape? Was it.... Was it zoya?"She ask.

"Yes, it was her"I cried. "Why I'm so jealous that she talking to another man"

"Your crazy. Your fucking crazy! You been fucking her and now your so hook on to her like that!!!"Kimberly yelled. She ran up the stairs to our room.

"Hell no"I mumble. I ran up the stairs to the room. Kimberly was laying in the bed texting.

"Your sleeping on the couch"Kimberly said.

"Hell no, get your shit and get out"I said. 

"What?"She look at me confuse.

"I want a divorce. Ima get the papers and give it to you tomorrow night when i get off work"I said grabbing her clothes.

"Don't touch my things!!!"She yelled.

"I bought this shit!!!"I yelled back. "Get some of your things and get out!!!"

"Fuck you Zion. Something is wrong with you"she cried. "Why would you kick out your unborn baby out"

"Unborn"I look at her confuse.

"I'm 2 months pregnant Zion. I been pregnant but I didn't want to tell you cause you was all on her and not me"she cried.

I sigh throwing her things on the floor. I sat on the bed looking at the tv. "Baby, please dont kick me out. We can make it right"

"Make what right, this marriage!"I semi yelled.

"Zion please"Kimberly held her stomach.

"You know what, your sleeping in the basement"I push her out my room.

"Wait no!!! Please Zion I'm sorry!!! This is your baby!!! Why are you doing this to me!!!"She yelled crying. Her face was all red from the tears.

She kept fighting me and kicking me. So I push her on the floor. I drag her by the foot down the stairs.

"STOP!!!!"she screamed.

"SHUT UP!!!!"I scream back. I kept dragging her till I got to the basement door. I open it up seeing how dark it was. I turn the light on so I can see.

"Zion, why are you doing this?"Kimberly ask crying.

"Cause I want to"


Ohhhhhh, y'all Zion is crazy like Mario in real love 4. Well he ain't that crazy. But I know y'all want to know why he crazy. That will come up in the next chapter or 2 more chapters

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