Chapter 59

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I was putting on my suit getting ready for this custody battle.Gabbi will drive me there and stay with me the entire time. I need her there. Not to show off her pregnant stomach to zoya.

"I'm ready"I mumble to her as she sat on the couch. She got up slowly rubbing her stomach. She grab the keys and her purse.

"Let's go"she said sighing heavily. I walk out the door following her to the car. We hop in the car and took off to the court.


"You know that she change her mind about the custody"my lawyer said.

"What she said?"I ask.

"I don't really know, all I know is she changing her mind about something"he said.

I sat down on the bench looking at people passing by.  This is what I deserve. I should of never put my hands on zoya. Never should of rape her. Never should of said to abort my child. Everything that I said, I should of never.

"It's time Zion"my lawyer said. I got up from my seat and followed him into the court. I didn't see zoya nor zayda.

I took a seat in the chair then look at the judge. She didn't look mean but kind of look strict.

"State the name"the judge said.

"Zion Martin"my lawyer said. Zoya lawyer stood up fixing herself.

"Zoya Davidson"Davidson?

She's not married at all so why she change her last name. "The baby name?"

"Zayda Davidson"

"Actually my client wanted to change his daughter last name to martin"my lawyer said.

"is that true Mr. Martin?"the judge ask.

"Yes your honer"I said.

"Okay, we will have to talk to the mother of the child about that"the judge said.

The court went by so slow. All they was doing was talking about how we both need counseling. How I need special counseling which ima take.

"So Ms. Davidson, you wanted your child to see Mr. Martin on weekend with adult supervision"the judge said.

So she did change her mind. Why adult supervision tho?

"Yes your honer. I don't really want my child to stay with him for the week because of his craziness"zoya said.

"Caziness?"the judge raise her eyebrows. 

I rub my chin looking at zoya with a mean mug. "Your honer, my client ain't crazy. He faced a lot when he was a little boy"

"Like what?"

"His father beating on him and his mother. His sister as well"my lawyer said.

"Okay. I do agree with Ms. Davidson with the adult supervision"the judge said.

"Mr. Martin will see his child on weekend only till zayda reach the age of 18. Also Mr. Martin you will be on child support"

Wow. "Any last words before we close this case"the judge said.

"No"I said bluntly.

"Okay.  Case close"zoya smiled at me and left out the door with her lawyer and new boyfriend I guess. 

"We have a huge problem"my lawyer said.

"What is it?"I ask.

"Gabbi is taking you to court for abuse"

"What!!!"I yelled then cover my mouth. "Where is she?"

"She left in the car"

Shit!! I should of never trusted her.

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