Chapter 39

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I look up at the ceiling thinking about what to write about. I love writing. Just like Maya, I want to write poems, stories, and sometimes documents.

I don't know how to start this poem. What should I write about? "What the fuck"I got so frustrating.

"Take it easy on the computer"zable said.

"I don't know what to write about"I said.

"Write about how whites can get anything they want but we can't"zable said fixing herself some cereal.

"No, people ain't gone read it"I said.

"Don't worry, our people will"she said smiling. "Just write something that's happening in the world now, as a little kid point of veiw"

She was right. A little kid point of view can work. I sigh while looking at the blank screen. That's when I started typing.

'A Black Little Boy In This World Won't Make It In Life.
Police, Jobs, Money, Drugs'

'I Had A Friend Name Jerome. A Black Little Boy Name That Every Momma Name Their Son'

'It All Started When......

I stop. I didn't know what else to write. I'm stuck again. "God"I tilt my head back. I look down at my phone seeing a text from Zion. 

"What do he want?"i pick up the phone and press my finger on the text.


Zion- come open the door

Me- excuse you

Zion- please zoya

It became harder to breath. How he find me? I put the computer on the coffee table and walk to the door. I look through window seeing a jeep.

"He really is here"I said. What to fucking do? God im so scared. Then the knocking started.

He kept knocking and knocking till zable came downstairs. She open the door and gasp. "WHY THE FUCK YOU HERE!!!!"

"Zable. Please let me speak....."

"Hell no, you almost crack my ribs"zable said.

"I know, im sorry for what I did. I didn't mean it amd I was so mad about everything"

"I won't except that apologise"zable said.


"No Zion. You can't just put your hands on someone and then think its okay to come back into that persons life"she cried. "My sister move here cause of you Zion now she might have to move again"

"I'm not here for your sister. I'm here for the baby zable"he said. "I'm bout to start over as well but I just want to see your sister and that's it"

I felt sad. He didn't want to see me. He wanted to see my stomach. Should I let him see me like this? I guess. Damn this is hard.

"Zion"I called his name and walk  to the door. "I got this zable"

"No ima still be here"zable said grabbing her taser.

"Zoya, baby I'm sorry about what i put you and the baby through.  I didn't know you move because of me"

"Yeah, thought it was best for the baby"I said.

"It is"he nod his head. "Can I at least touch your stomach?"he ask.

Zable look at me raising her eyebrows. "Go on"she said.

Zion walk inside closing the door. He look at my stomach smiling. "I cant believe I'm baby"he smile then touch my stomach.  It felt weird that he touching me again. "What is it? Boy or girl?"

"Girl"I said.

"My baby girl"he smile. "When the next appointment?"

"Tomorrow"I said.

"Okay"he nod his head and stop touching my stomach. That's when I felt a kick.

"She kick"I mumble.


"She kick"I smile then rub my stomach.

"She must know that I'm the daddy"Zion said.

"Okay, your time is up"zable said. "Time for you to go Zion"

Zion stared deeply into my eyes like he didnt want to leave. "Okay"he nod his head. "See you tomorrow"

He walk out the house closing the door. "Do you miss him?"zable ask.


Yes. God what I'm saying.

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