Chapter 42

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After the appointment, I drove to this diner so I can eat some fries and a cheeseburger. I kept thinking about Zion and him being there. It felt weird.

I pull up to the diner and turn the car off. I hop out my car locking it then proceed to the door. This older man open the door for  me. "Thank you"I smile.

I walk in seeing a mix of people here. Black, white, Mexicans. Just how I like it. And they was all getting along. I sat at the bar waiting for someone to take my order.

"Hi welcome to dot....."I look up seeing brad with his apron on and notepad. "Hi"he mumble.

"Hey"I mumble. "I want sprite"

"You don't want to order now?"he ask.

"Order later"I said. He nod his head and walk to another customer. I didn't know he work here. The house he live in is big and the car.

I waited for my drink till the girl gave it to me. She pull out her pin and note pad. "Ready to order"she ask.

I look for brad and didn't see him. He ain't no where to be found. "Yeah"


I walk in the house sighing loudly. I took off my shoes and my jacket dropping it on the floor. I walk to my couch and sat down looking at the tv. Who left it on?

"I see your back"zable said.

"Yeah, it went great"I said.

"You wanted to be with Zion huh"

"Stop saying that"I look at her. "I dont like Zion at all"

"Okay"she nod her head. She grab my keys and her purse. "Going to the front to see if I can get a job"

"Bye"I heard her slam the door. All I did was laid  down like a fat hippo and watch tv. That's all I do.

Just then someone was  knocking on the door. I got up from the couch which took me 20 seconds. I walk to the door slowly opening it.

"Brough you some flowers"brad said.

"How was work?"I ask.

"Fun. Smelt like chicken when i left so i hurried and went home and took a shower"he smile.

"And where you bought the flowers from?"I ask.

"Stole it from my sister vase"he laugh making me shake my head. "I'm kidding. I got it from the store"

"Thanks"I smile. "Want to come in?"


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