Chapter 20

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"I had fun Jason. Thanks for taking me out"I said to Jason on the phone.

"I had fun too, but I really want to see you again"he said. I settle my bags on in my locker at work.

"Probably tomorrow morning. I'm working double shift again"I said.

"Ima come to your job then"he said.

"Jason, please don't. Zion......"

"Look, fuck what Zion says. He ain't with you no more. Your my girl now"I smile on how commanding he is.

"Okay. And When did I became your girl"I said.

"Last night......JASON GET YOUR ASS OFF THAT PHONE AND COME PUT THIS IN THE OVEN FOR GRANDMA"I laugh when I heard his grandmother yelled at him.

"See you later"

"Bye baby"he laugh.

"Bye"I hung up the phone seeing Amber smiling at me. "What?"

"Who was it on the phone?"she ask.

"Jason from the car shop"I said.

She gasp and smile at me. "Ohhh, my bitch finally haves a man"

"What you talking about? I had a man before"

"Zion don't count girl. He's married"Amber said.

"Yeah, let me stop saying that"I said.

"Anyways. My sister aubree is coming down here"Amber rolled her eyes.

"For visit? Orrrrr"

"Visit"she said.

"Good"I smile. "Alright I have to work"

"Bye girl. Stay away from the devil"she said making me laugh. I walk to the nursing station looking for my clipboard.

"Dr. Martin said your doing phone calls and computer"the nurse said. She grab the clipboard that was looking for  and walk away.

I sigh loudly and sat down. I look at the computer just staring at it. What the hell ima do with this shit?

"Dr. Martin, room 238th is waiting for his medicine to be giving and I dont know if you want him with his medicine. But I already gave him the medicine"the nurse said. She dont know shit.

You aint suppose to give them the medicine till the doctor when to or till he comes in the room to see what is wrong.

"God damnit tiffany. Why would you give him the medicine without me knowing"Zion said.

"I-I'm sorry"she frown. I shook my head and waited for a phone call or for me to make a phone call.

"Zoya make a phone call to the pharmacy. I need two bags or four bags of antibiotics and a blood bag"

"Blood bags are not at the pharmacy"I said.

"Just do it"he walk off. Why he treat his girls like shit? Amber said her doctor don't treat her like that.

I pick up the phone dialing the pharmacy number. After talking to the pharmacy then talking to the emergency department for a blood bag, I went to the nurse lounge so I can get my water.

"What they said?"I heard Zion behind me say.

"They sending it"I said grabbing my water. I felt something on my behind. When I turned around, Zion was all in my face.

"I really want you right now"he whisper.

I push him away from me. "That's what wrong with you Zion. I dont want you anymore, I found some one else"I slam my locker and walk away.

Feels good walking away.

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