Chapter 32

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I hop in my truck and took off away from zoya apartment building. Where I'm going? Where I'm going? I don't know where he live. I stop the truck and took out my phone. If I text zoya what's his address she won't let me know. So ima just text zable. She should know.


Me- where does he stay?

Z- across the bridge. Away from the city in them big house.  Rose creek. He have a black Mercedes Benz and a white BMW

Me- got you

I took off and went to where zable said. It took me so long to get there cause traffic and my mom called me. I went to her house did what I had to do and left. 

I pull up to the house seeing the lights on in this room. There he was painting this room blue. I shook my head and hop out the truck. I walk to their yard stepping in their grass. I knock their flower pot down and mess up their flowers.

I stop then look at the door. I knock on the door lightly and waited. "Babe, I got it"I heard a womans voice behind the door. She open the door looking at me confuse. "Who are you?"

"Can't say hi"I push her out my way walking into the house. "Nice house kim"I smile.

"Jason, leave. Zion can kill you"she said.

"Baby who is that?"I look up at the stairs seeing Zion. "Zoya sent you huh"

"Wait what?"Kim look at both of us.

"You keep putting your hands on her. Why man?"I ask.

"Cause I can"he said. "Men over power women"

"Never heard of that. My dad taught me to love a women. You came out of a woman, that woman birth you, fed you, and protect you but you still beat on a woman!!!!"I yelled.

"It's nun of your business"he said.

"You know kim, your husband got zoya pregnant and he don't want anything to do with it. That's fuck up"

"Wait how you know her?"Zion came up in my face.

"Kim was my ex. I lost her to you, the same like how I lost zoya to your dog ass"I said.

"I'm a dog now"he smile nodding his head. He push to the wall punching me in the face. I speared him on the floor then starting punching him in the face.

"Jason stop!"Kim tried to pull me off of him. But it was to late. Zion face was all red and bloody. "Stop please!!"

I got off of him breathing all hard and shit. "Stay the fuck away from zoya and her sister"I kick him in the ribs. I kick him again hearing the crack. He groan in pain holding his side.

"Jason, look what you did to him!"Kim yelled at me and punch my chest. I took my hand and smack her. She fall down on the floor holding her face. "I'm pregnant Jason"

"So, its his baby"I said.

"No, its your baby"she said. "The day i left your house i knew I was pregnant"

"Can't be"

"Jason you didn't have a condom on that night"she said.

"Why you fucking lying to me!"I yelled. "That aint my baby!"

"It is. Just wait till he comes you'll see"she said crying. Zion look at her with mean eyes. Like he wanted to kill her. I can't leave her here. If that is my baby, i have to protect her.

"You know how you stole my girls"I step on Zion stomach. He yelled out for help trying to  get my foot off him. "Ima steal yours"

"What?"he spit up some blood.

"Kim get your stuff and lets go"I said. She got up from the floor and ran up stairs.

"Your life is ruin"Zion laugh. "You sitting here protecting zoya and her but watch in a couple of days, you'll be in jail"he laugh.

"Fine by me"I smile. "But you will be watching your kids from down there"I pointed to the ground. 

"What? The ground"he laugh.

"No"I smirk at him. "You make that call to the cops and tell them what I did to you, you will be suffuring in hell"

"Hell"he laugh. "I'm already there"

"Good, cause now your life will be living hell now that I'm involve"

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