Chapter 56

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º3 months laterº

"Hey Zayda"I kiss Zayda cheek. Zayda is now 4 months. She getting beautiful ane beautiful everyday.

I decided to work more harder by having two jobs. I'm studying to become a  dermatologist and I'm working at the women's clinic. That could be a lot of money right.

Zion is having a good life. But I made my decision. I'm taking him to court for custody. He can get Zayda for one week and I can have her for another. Give me time to go to school and focus on me.

Zable is working also at a nursing home. She went and bought her own apartment. Her and Zach who is older then her.  Way older. Like 26 and she is 19. It's whatever tho. She love that man.

Speaking of love, I did met someone who is very much into me. His name is Ronnie and he a cute Jamaican man. We click right away when we started talking. I'm surprise Zion didn't do anything about it. Why I'm worrying?

"Hey bitch"Amber walk in my room. Amber is now staying with me. She works at the hospital downtown. Selena travels to much. But she still stay here.

"Not in front my daughter"I cover Zayda ears.

"Girl, she gone grow up cursing cause the way you talk when you mad at Zion. Good lawd"she laugh.

"He don't listen sometimes. I tell him to buy Zayda some baby food, it became a problem"I rolled my eyes.

"God zoya. He's stubborn"

"At least he see Zayda everyday of the week sometimes"I said kissing her cheek.

"I heard about his little diner and girlfriend who is pregnant"Amber said.

"And"I said bluntly. "I'm not worrying about him anymore"


"Amber come on. Stop, me and Ronnie already talking"I said.

"I know"Amber sat on the bed. "It's just that, everybody have a little boo thing but me"

"Amber, you will find a boyfriend one day"I said.

"You right"she smiled. "Well I have to get back to work. The doctor might need me again"

"Amber don't be like me"

"Oh god no. This doctors are crazy"she walk out the room. I focus back on my baby girl playing peek- a - boo.

Zayda laugh and smiled at me till she got tired and went to sleep. So did I.

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