He Watches Over

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It was a peaceful night in the pride lands, every living soul rested that night. But Mufasa was doing some thinking. It wouldn't be long before it was his time to return. He'd been watching his grandcubs for months, and he wouldn't be back until Kiara is a teenager- by then, Kopa would be a father by then. Or at least at the age of being one. It warmed his heart to watch him play with his sister and best friend, but Mufasa had also been closely watching a pair of cubs. They were abandoned for all he knew, the parents could've died, rejected them, or maybe the cubs just strayed far away one night. It was a female cub, she had fur that was a sandy colour and electric blue eyes. She was very skinny but brave enough to go out and raise her brother. Her brother was a clone of Taka without the scar. He was skin and bones, but still showed that he loved his sister.

Mufasa paced. He had to figure out how he'd lead them to the pride lands for safety. He wanted them to be with his grandcubs, and how to hide them from Taka who would return only hours from this moment. He realized in the morning, they go and scavenge for abandoned game. He'd have to take the life of an animal and leave it in a direction away from his cruel brother, as Mufasa's attempts to reform him had failed.

Just as he was finding the perfect location, he heard a chuckle behind him. Mufasa whipped around to see Scar standing before him. "Oh, if it isn't my big brother." He mocked. "What do you want Taka." Mufasa sneered. "I thought I told you to call me Scar." Scar growled. "You're Taka. Remember who you are." He ignored his brother's comment. "Still watching my subjects?" Scar had mocked. "I'm warning you, if you do anything you will face consequences." Mufasa threatened and stepped towards Scar, only making him giggle. His happy gesture was evil to the point that it disgusted Mufasa.

"I'm terrified your highness." Scar turned his back on Mufasa, their roars struck lighting and made thunder scatter across the land, startling the antelope and cubs. The two brothers were in fighting position, both ready to lunge any second. The tension was so tight, you could cut it with a knife. It was seconds later that Taka realized, he was no match to his brother Mufasa. He stood down. every living creature felt the tension inside them, but they were soothed by the sound of tall grass stroked against other stems of grass, and the crickets chirping. This night wouldn't be ignored in Mufasa's head.

He looked down at Kopa, and Kiara then over to Vitani and Kovu. "I won't let anyone hurt you." His voice turned into a fresh breeze that they inhaled. He left them to rest as he formulated his plan.

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