The Transition

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3 Years later...

Rafiki talked to Mufasa in his tree, he used coconut juice to make drawings. "Oh Mufasa, everyday Kiara grows more beautiful, into a queen that with someday make us all very proud.." Rafiki smiled as he drew a bright sky over her head signaling a bright feature. "But you see.. She still mourns Kopa's death on the inside. How will we fight against Kovu when he attacks Simba if we don't have Kiara willing to be safe." There was a pause, as if Mufasa was saying "Go on.." Rafiki drew Simba by Kiara, but had stripes by Simba's mouth, signaling conflict between them. "He keeps setting crazy rules that she's disobeyed. She's getting sick of her father. What if she someday dies from her reckless nature?" He asked, drying a tomb stone.

Soon he began talking about Scar's heir. "He was raised by your brother, he knows only to kill. We cannot have him here." Rafiki drew a lion fight. "He is younger than Simba, that gives him an advantage.." Rafiki cracked open another coconut. "I'm very worried Mufasa.." Rafiki sighed, begging for advice from the wise king of the past.

The pollen circled around Kovu and Simba's lion fight then to Kovu's head, before a coconut cracked by Kiara and Kovu. Rafiki paused. "A nightmare so he betrays Taka? Then he marries Kiara?" Rafiki mumbled. "ARE YOU CRAZY! THIS WILL NEVER WORK! Scar's manipulation cannot be defeated. Oh Mufasa you've been up there too long, your head is in the clouds your highness." He shouted, but the wind flew in his face, pollen and feathers wen t in his nose, making him sneeze. "Okay, okay, OKAY! I will do my best, but when you're back you pick it up. I trust you sir, I hope you know what you're doing!" Rafiki called as Mufasa left.

As for Kopa and Vitani, their lives were pretty silent for a while. They never forgot their siblings but were no longer in heavy grief. The biggest change in their lives was that Vitani was pregnant and could fall into labour any minute now. Sorry I skipped this far, I don't want to write all the details with the lust..

Kovu sat at the watering hole. It wouldn't be long until he had to go kill Simba. He grew to believe Vitani never existed after being reminded of that everyday, he stopped asking and that his only purpose was to murder Simba destroy everything he loved. There was a black spot in his heart for revenge that was raised by Scar and Zira, it reminded him that he lacked innocence. He drank water to recharge his batteries and looked at himself in the water. His face was solid, looking slightly angry. Then he heard his 'mother' calling him.

Kiara was arguing with Simba by the gorge. "I said you can't go! What if you die like Kopa did?" Simba growled. "Let me LIVE! If Kopa was alive, he'd be a father by now! I doubt he'd lock his daughter up like this. I'm going on my first hunt! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, making it echo. She ran away the most upset she's been in a long time. Nobody dared mentioning Kopa's name around her except of Auni otherwise she'd explode.

Auni caught Kiara just when she was about to leave the pride lands. "Woah, woah, woah. Relax. Tell me what's wrong." He stopped her. "Ugh! My dad won't let me do anything! Kopa w-would would..." She stuttered but couldn't handle it. She cried on his shoulder. "I know.. We all miss Kopa.." Auni reminded her. "It's just that-that, he'd be a father by now, and I don't think he'd trap his daughter this much! If he was here he'd be mad at dad too.. I just want to go on my first hunt already. I'm two years late." She sniffled. Auni looked around to see nobody. "Okay. Go." He whispered as she dashed away.

Vitani called Kopa who sat outside the cave. She was panting, clearly it was time for the cubs to get here. Kopa panicked, not knowing what to do while she was crying from the pain. "DO SOMETHING DON'T JUST STAND THERE." She screamed as the labour pains were intensifying, but before that point was valid, the cubs were here.

The first was a girl they named Amana, she was grey with red-brown like Kopa and Simba, had black stripes on the rim of her ears, and three black dots under her right eye, she also missed part of her right ear. The second was a boy they named Clif. He had an orange hide and a small hair on the top that resembled Simba- finishing the look with a electric blue eyes like his mother.

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