Get Moving

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Vitani woke Kovu. They had been in this spot too long and were risking discovery. If they left any later then any carcasses they find might be claimed. They haven't had a bite of food in days. Vitani gave everything she had to Kovu. She was just barely the side to be able to carry him, and so she did. No time to waste out here. The savannah is unpredictable.

When Kovu finally woke up, moments later and began to walk next to Vitani he broke the silence between them. "Tani... Why are we alone?" Vitani hesitated at his question. He was so little, she hated to tell him why, but he was just a cub that craved attention. He wasn't meant to be isolated like this. "Well.. because we're rogues Kovu.. Nobody likes us. We don't belong anywhere. It's up to us to survive without help from elders." When he went silent, her head started to race. 'My god, was I being too harsh? Was he too young to know?' In her luck, from a far away she heard roars and buffalo screams. It's nice to change it up, her last few meals were ostrich and antelope for a long time, and both were rotten.

She wasn't happy that she was getting fresh meat because it tasted good and was better for her, but because it would help Kovu. From the roars, she heard a stronger one. That of a lion, it easily conquered the lioness roars over the buffalo. She must be trespassing on pride lands. She lowered herself into tall grass and ordered her brother to follow her with silence. When the roars began to quiet down and the buffalo screams stopped, Vitani could see the pride eating away at the buffalo.

Her stomach growled at the sight of the pride enjoying their meal, but she knew from the amount of prides she had to stalk, that they always left to sleep. And she was right, after a half hour of watching and when her agitation and salivation began to kick in they all left burping and chuckling. After she made sure they were gone, she quickly ran to the kill. She began tearing off small pieces when she was caught by Kopa. He noticed she needed help.

"What are you doing?" He asked and she gasped. He noticed how skinny she was, and he could see that she was skin and bones. But he stopped when she bowed down with her eyes closed. She heard of him everywhere, and knew exactly who he was. 'Is she begging for mercy?' Kopa thought, confused since he clearly wasn't going to hurt her.

Meanwhile- Kiara strayed away from Kovu and began talking to Kovu. "Please! It's easy living out here without everyone at my tail. You just haven't been out here to experience life princess. Kovu is too good for this." He mocked her, "Hey! At least I don't go around bragging about being a savage!" Kiara defended herself.

"Please, I can get you some help. I have my parents and our medical mandrill." Kopa offered but she quickly rose up. "No!" She yelped and hit him in the face. He fell down the small hill and had a small cut on his cheek. He jumped back up the hill to see Vitani flee for her life with her tail between her legs and a cub in her mouth.

Kiara raced to Kopa who's cut bled slightly. He knew she was trying to get a head start on running away from him, but he didn't know what made her so scared. "Kopa! Are you okay!" Kiara squeaked at his paws. "I'm fine." He quietly responded. "Mom! Dad!" She called while dragging him with her.

They got all the way to where Nala and Sarabi were. Nala gasped and pulled Kopa to her as she cleaned his cut with her tongue. "What happened?" Sarabi questioned. "Well, I found this girl. She needed food and was stealing from the buffalo we just ate. She was my age, and when I offered to get her help she panicked, hit me, and ran away." Kopa explained but all his hairs stood up when he hears Simba behind him. "Rogues..." He grit his teeth. It was no easy task to sneak past Simba's patrol. "But dad-" Kopa stuttered. "I don't want you near any more rogues. If you see any, you come straight to me. Am I understood?" Simba ordered. "But she was harmless, she was just a hungry cub I just thought-" Kopa was interrupted. "AM I UNDERSTOOD?" He roared, scaring Kopa. "Understood." Kopa mumbled even though he was lying, what could become of him if he let his father murder a cub?

After Simba walked away, Kopa wasn't bleeding anymore. "Now why don't we lift up the mood? Kopa, go play with Kiara." Nala invited, Kiara got excited. She never got sick of playing with Kopa, he was always there for her.

Vitani stopped to catch her breath and set Kovu down once she reached safety. She felt horrible that she let her brother down. "Kovu... I'm sorry." She whimpered even though Kovu was still happy she tried. She pulled him to her. "I'll get you some food soon." Vitani apologized to her confused brother.

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