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As it grew to be night time, the pride became more and more panicked. How was it possible for her to vanish like that? Impossible. Auni kept first watch, as the pride rested their eyes in order to search the next morning. He paced, maybe a crocodile got her, but that's impossible. There was nothing in the water but a pair of catfish. Amira got up and sat beside him, he relaxed and sat down. They both nuzzled. "Auni, it's not your fault.." She told him. "I know but I just.. I don't know.. How could she just disappear like that?" Auni asked, Amira listened then paused. "Maybe she got up herself.. Or... Someone might have taken her." That's when it hit him. It was Kovu.

Kovu got up and snuck away. Kiara was finally dry and warm, but she started to nap. He figured he could catch her something before she woke up. He stayed close in case she woke up. He snuck up to a herd of impala when he heard her behind him. "Kovu?" She quickly gasped, he turned around smiling. They laughed and ran into each other. Kiara clung to him, it was her way of saying- "I missed you!"  He nuzzled back as she dug her face in his mane. It was a silent greeting before they both began to laugh and play by playing catch up. After they calmed down, she rested her head on his chest. "You're alive.." She whispered joyfully.

It was their unlucky day. Auni heard the faint laughter of the couple from a distance. He defined one to be Kiara's. He woke Simba to come after him, but the whole pride insisted on following with Auni in the lead. It didn't take much time before they reached the hill over them. The shadows still shielded them, Simba watched in fury as Kiara nuzzled the lion. His daughter? In love with a rogue? He can't allow that. Auni went down first, roaring out a warning for Kovu to step away from Kiara. Kiara hid behind Kovu, Kovu had his right hind leg stretched back to shield Kiara since she was curled up to so tightly.

Kovu roared back as a defence. Kiara was shaking. She cared for both of them even though they couldn't stand each other- or at least Auni didn't tolerate Kovu's presence due to his protective habits. Vitani was burning inside, how dare he disrespect her little brother? She had her claws extended digging at the dirt. Tama observed, she believed of mating out of love. The last few generations were lucky the kings happened to be in love and their choice was easy. But for Kiara, when se much pick a lion she only has Auni in the pride lands but she didn't love him. She still saw him as a childhood friend.

Mufasa observed, Kovu was in no position to fight at the moment but was still willing to put his life in jeopardy to keep Kiara. Auni began to circle Kovu who never moved his right hind leg, but pivoted. Not once was Kiara exposed or vulnerable. "Why do you have the princess?" Auni growled, he never stopped circling Kovu. "She fell down the waterfall, and I saved her life. Again." Kovu defended. "Who are you to come near the royal heir? You're only a rogue." Auni's aggressive tone only scared Kiara more. "A rogue that saved the royal heir twice. I haven't seen you helping out with any of that for you to shame me. She could've drowned." Kovu lashed. They exchanged several more roars. "I'm here to take her back to the pride lands where she belongs." Auni stepped closer to Kovu. "Away from you." He finished. They both looked at Kiara who was getting back to her feet again. "Well I don't want to go back." Kiara mumbled, those words barely crawled into Auni's ears.

"Kiara-" Auni stuttered in disbelief. "I don't have any rights there! I'd rather be a rogue!" Kiara fought. Auni looked at Kovu. He was responsible for this, who else could influence Kiara so strongly? "YOU!" Auni growled and lunged at Kovu. It took all of Vitani's self control to stay back for the few seconds that Auni clamped his jaws over the top of Kovu's muzzle. Kiara squealed, she couldn't handle watching bloody scenes. She hardly handled the tension. Vitani jumped down. "HEY!" She barked. Something inside Simba put out the flames. Even through that attack he didn't stop protecting Kiara. Simba got down from the hill. "Stand down!" He ordered, Auni pulled back into a sitting position. "That's my little brother you're attacking!" Vitani growled. Sending everyone but Mufasa, Mheetu, Kopa, and Tama to gasp.

Simba approached his daughter. "Were you serious?" He asked about her previous statement. She held her head high. "Yes." Kiara choked. Her confidence was all a bluff. "Kiara I never realized.." Simba began a long apology. Half of her wanted to bail and run off. But the sweetness in her forgave him.

The Lion King 2 Remake- The Forgotten OnesWhere stories live. Discover now