An unexpected encounter

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| just a disclaimer before you read this, i wrote this 6 years ago and not alot of thought went into the storyline! there are many inconsistencies and plot holes as well as shit that literally doesn't make sense because i just wanted to write smut LMAO.
if you do continue on though, enjoy!|

You know I've always imagined myself in a lovely modern apartment, no worrys, no mess, no one to share with.
Reality, however, isn't the same.

I trudge up to the newly found door, knocking on it a few times, but no answer.
''Ah fuck it. Hope they're not naked.''
I pass the idea of waiting, putting the small metal key into the slot.

As I push the door, it doesn't make a sound.
I was welcomed by a small, cute apartment, but what was covering it- wasn't so cute.
Clothes plastered all over the Oakwood coloured floor, leading to the kitchen.
Do I even dare..?
But, my curiosity is bigger than my fear, so I followed the long line of wet clothes.
And what I discovered, wasn't what I had expected.

''Holy fuck! Shit shit shit shit shit!''
I cover my eyes as the naked 'couple' dress themselves, the woman screaming in embarrassment. 
The man however, was somewhat amused. The smug look on his face didn't go unnoticed.
''Hi, baby.''
Baby?! His girlfriend is right-
''Jenna you can go now.''
My mouth dropped further when the woman obeyed, too.
She was out like a bolt, but not before flashing the pink headed man a wink- I was the one to be amused now.

What an unexpected encounter.

''So? You the girl I'll be sleep- I mean sharing an apartment with?'' He made sure to dart a smirk my way when he corrected himself, I just turned away to get my suitcase as I replied, trying my hardest not to puke.

''Yes. I'm kwon hyuna. You are?''
''Park Jimin. But you can ride Jimin if you want.'' His little pick up line didn't faze me, a calm and unimpressed look still settled on my face, leaving the bright headed man unfocused and confused.

Why isn't she blushing or even smiling? Normally the girl would be melting by now- he thought as I passed him.

''So which is my room? I'd like to start unpacking now, I have to be ready by 5''
He looked at the clock, then back at me.
''Follow me.''

''I'm telling you guys, this girl is one hell of a puzzle, and I don't think I really wanna know what she's showing.'' Jimin stuffed his face with the burger, along with the 6 other boys around his table.

''Jiminie, buddy, your implying that this girl likes to fuck around without strings, Right? But its you whos talking. You could be the goddamn poster child for fucking around."  The tallest one commented, his admired dimples shining as he smiled to his younger friend.

''Tae, you have a high body count, does she sound like the type to be non-commited to you?'' The blonde haired boy shrugged, before swallowing his food so he could reply.
''I dont know dude, she sounds like it, but she could just not be fazed by you, not intrested- is what i mean.''
A few snorts spread around the table at taes sly comment, and he just sat with a smirk as the older male glared his way.

''Come on, what girl had ever rejected me?''
''Hmm, that one?'' Jungkook pointed to the enterance of the cafeteria, licking his lips as his gaze fell on you.

The same uniform that every boy hates in the school, had now became their new favourite thing because of you.

A nicely tucked in shirt, a tight pencil skirt hugged your waist down to your mid thigh, a tie around your neck, resting peacefully in between your boobs, thigh high white socks to go with your simple laced patterned shoes.
And your hair simply resting on your waist, the chocolate brown locks in a messy-curly look.
Everyone could tell easily that you hadn't even bothered with make up too, your skin showing freckles and your deep green eyes glimmering behind your thick long black lashes.
You were the definition of natural beauty, you just didn't know it.

''Yep, that's her.''

The 6 boys who were- 10 minutes ago- judging Jimin for his temptation for the girl, were now tempting themselves as they glared you down.
''Well that's yuna gone early. I want to see if shes all bark and no bite. She doesn't look like the sort of girl to know how to play the game like we do.''

And with that, Taehyung stood up, walking towards you as you sucked on a strawberry lollipop like a kid, eyes glued onto taehyung as he approached.

A bead of sweat released on taehyung forehead as your gaze had never eased off.
''Hey sweetheart.'' the tall man spoke, seduction on his tongue as he anticipates a nervous glance away or an intimidated smile.

Wow. Wasn't expecting that.

Normally he would get a stutter or two, then a 'I gotta go' which meant he could go ahead with his cat and mouse game.
But you, you said hi back.

In the most monotoned voice you could muster.

''I'm taehyung, but you can call me tae if you want, or sir.'' He smirks, eyeing your lips like they were made of gold.

You scoff at the boys lack of self control, lust practically radiating off of him as you jump up slightly to make your boobs bounce.

''Sure thing, sir. I'll see ya around hmm?'' And when he didn't answer back, you pecked him on the cheek and skipped off to the rooftop, your favourite place to go already.
Taehyung walked slowly back to the table, unable to let go of the cheek you had previously kissed.

''Fuck, Jimin. Good luck.''
''Why? Tae what-''
''Shes good. And sexy enough for a man like you to chase her.''

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