Whipped cream

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As much as I loved last night, I truly hated the morning after. I woke up with a banging headache, and I had come on my period.
''Oh my god! J-Jimin I'm so sorry!'' He slurs open his eyes, licking his dry lips.
''What's up, princess?'' He groans, following my gaze to my legs.

''O-oh.'' He simply says, running straight out of bed and into the bathroom.
Great. He probably thinks I'm gross. About 5 minutes later, Jimin comes out, with a towel.
''What are you?-''

''Go and take a hot bath, ill strip your bedsheets and put them for the wash.'' I smile at his kind gesture, walking into the bathroom.
I open the bathroom door, the strong smell of bacon and eggs moving past me as I walk. I inhale deeply, my mouth watering.
''Smells really good, Jimin.'' He looks back from me, smiling.

''I've put some orange juice and ibuprofen on the side for you. I'm just boiling some water for your hot water bottle as well okay?'' My mouth drops open at how generous he is, and I don't hesitate with my next move.

I walk up to him, hugging him from behind and kissing the muscle of his neck, and it tenses under my lips.
Quickly flipping our positions, I was pressed softly against the counter, Jimins body rubbing against mine.

He leans in, resting his head on my shoulder as he takes a deep breath.
''You smell like coconut.'' He says, making us both chuckle.

He lifts his head back up, turning the oven off.
He takes my lips with his slowly, melting me into his kiss as I let out a relieved sigh. I feel him smirk against me, as his hands travel from my waist to my neck.

''Y-you're so soft..'' he whispers against the skin of my neck, kissing it lightly before sucking it.
He stops kissing me, placing his hands on my waist and lifting me up to sit on the counter beside him as he cooks.
After we tidied up, we decided to watch tv before my mom came back from food shopping.
''Wanna watch friends?'' I suggest, waving the remote in my hands.

''Sure..but I can't understand English.'' He shyly says, scratching the back of his neck.
''That's okay, I'll put the Korean subtitles on for you.'' I continue to play it, sitting back and getting into a comfortable position.

''When are you going home?'' I say timidly, making Jimin turn from the tv to look at me.
''Am I getting in the way?'' He responds, flashing me a cheeky smirk.

I quickly shake my head, moving my body so that I was sitting on his waist, my legs either side of his hips.

''That's not what I meant. You've done nothing but take care of me, how could you be getting in the way?'' I play with the metal rings on his fingers, moving them side to side to create different reflections.

''I'll leave with you, if that's okay.'' He strokes my thighs as he speaks, his eyes sparkling against the light of the tv.
''T-that's fine...'' I whisper back, loosing myself in his eyes.

''What have I told you about staring, jagiya?'' I stop playing with his rings, looking at him silently.
''What did you just call me?'' I question, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear nervously.

''I called you jagiya.'' He simply says, pulling a confused face at my weird question.
I lean all the way down, making sure I was close to his face, my hands beside his head.

''What are you doing, Hyuna?'' He shakily says, laughing nervously.
''You call me that again I don't know wether I can stop myself..'' I don't know where my sudden confidence came from, but I know it wasn't gonna go in help of Jimin.

His shirt hanging low around his neck, his collar bone prominent. His messy pink hair and his soft plump lips. The definition off temptation.

''Kids! I'm home!'' My mother shouts, and I flop myself off of Jimin, landing on the floor with a loud thud.

''Aghhhhhhh...'' I whine, rubbing my shoulder.
''Oh dear god Hyuna. Can you not mark my new floor?'' She says, walking past me as she carries the shopping intro he kitchen.

''Yes of course mother, forget about my bones being broken, as long as your floors okay.'' I say sarcastically, waving my hands in the air as I speak.

She walks into the living room, hands on her hips as she pulls the classic 'your really gonna go there?' Mom face, sending chills down my spine.

I get up quickly, smiling sheepishly.
''Mianhae, eomma.'' I say in a monotoned voice, earning nothing but an eye roll from the woman in front of me.

''Don't try that trick on me, young lady. I want you and Jimin to start making the cake, while I do the garden.'' She walks off straight after, and I walk after her, letting Jimin catch up by himself.

''Yah! wait for me!'' He shouts after me, and I laugh to myself, shaking my head.
I know baking a cake seems easy, but when you have a Jimin, it becomes a lot harder.
We were both running around the kitchen, Jimin holding a bottle off whipped cream as if a sword, crashing into every object he comes against, while I dodge everything with ease, but ending up in a corner.

''SHIT!'' I scream, watching Jimin walk towards me like a lion.
He stops right in front of me, so close I could feel his nose against mine.
''Got ya.'' He whispers, placing the whipped cream on my bottom lip.
I leave it there, anticipation written all over my face.

He moves his head, his nose softly against my cheek as he licks the cream off my lip.
He stares at me closely, still barley millimetres away from me.

Kiss me already- my mind chants, and he pushes his hand against the shelf behind me, pressing himself against me while doing so.
''Next time you decide to sit on me, make sure you don't move as much as you did.'' He says slowly, his lips grazing against mine as he speaks.

''W-what do you mean?'' I ask, confused.
''Just...don't start something you can't finish.'' He says, pressing his lips on mine softly before I could question further.
''Goodnight, children.'' My mother says as Jimin and I make our way up to bed.
I yawn softly, my eyes fluttering closed.
I feel myself being swooped up in two strong arms, one around my waist and the other under my legs.

''Y-yah put me down! please!'' I shout as I cling onto his neck, burying my face in his chest.
I listen to his heartbeat, the soft rhythm sending me to sleep. I close my eyes as I feel myself being engulfed by my bedsheets, and I move to hug Jimin.

''Goodnight, princess.'' He whispers, kissing my hair as he rests his head too, soon falling deep into sleep as well.

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