Let me show you

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Why am I so determined to making Jimin jealous?
I don't know, but what I do know is that it's gonna be fun.
Lisa told me that him and his little 'girlfriend' is gonna be there, and she apparently is wearing a see through top. How much more sluty can one slut get?

''Bitch hurry your ass up we have 15 minutes!'' I hear an angry and impatient Lisa from the bottom of the stairs, and I quickly shout back.
''Yah! I'm done jissos Christ!''

 ''Yah! I'm done jissos Christ!''

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{that's what you were wearing^^}

''You know I would have thought you'd go for something more.. skimpy, to you know, to get laid, but you even wearing that makes me feel turned on.'' She shakes her head at her weird statement, quickly waving it off and laughing before heading into the car.


Loud music blasted the giant house perfectly, red, blue and green lights bursting out the windows like confetti.

''Lisa! Where's the bar?'' I shouted through the crowd as loud as I could, but it still came out as a whisper compared to the booming music in the room.

''Follow me, and hold my hand so I don't loose you!'' I follow her anyways, even though I hadn't heard a word she had said.

A row of -hot- men filled the bar, but as they gawd on Lisa and I they soon made room.
''Two shots please.'' The bartender nods, going off to make the order.

''Hi, you up for a dance?'' A red haired man asked Lisa smoothly, his two plaits in his hair giving him the impression of innocence, but his body through the shirt told otherwise.
''And you are?''
''Ah, sorry, Hoseok. You?'' She smiles lightly before saying,
''Lisa, and I would love to!''
And not even seconds later, I was alone. Well, other than the boys flowing over me.
But that doesn't count.

''Agh..fuck it!'' I stood up from my chair, necking my vodka and grabbing the first mans hand I see.
''Woah careful sweetheart , slow down.''
We stood still for a second, and he immediately moved himself to me, his chest pressing into mine, making me gasp.
Fine. Who gives a shit, anyway?
''Let's dance, pretty boy.''

Moving my hips against his, I heard a low laugh from behind me, making me smirk. My eyes wandered up to the second floor, landing on an all to familiar figure.

With an all to familiar woman on his lap.
Although the badly dressed classmate he had chosen to take out tonight was busy giving him what seemed like a drunk dance, his eyes were glued to me.

Wait me?!

I was surprised but wanted to lead him on, moving my eyes to taehyung and lifting my leg around his waist, stroking along his inner thigh.

He moans in my ear as a response.
''You can't tease me like this. Jimin is watching.''

''Hm...and how you gonna stop me?'' I turn to face him, my lips barley inches away from his.
God don't do this...- tae thought as you stared down his lips.

As tae leaned in, a man bumped into both of us, knocking me out of taes arms and into the mans'.
''Heya pretty, wanna fu-''
''I would rather trap my tongue in a car door. Thank you.''

I pushed him off me, going up to find the bathroom.
Okay so maybe I got distracted..
I completely forgot about tae or needing the bathroom, as I came across  a beautiful balcony. The sky was dark blue with sparkling bright lights, the moon shining perfectly on a perfect man.

Wait what perfect?! No!
Hmmmm....let's see how far I can go without losing control, i thought.
''You know, I knew women like you were soulless and egotistical but I didn't know they were smart and manipulative too.''

I smile as I walk behind him, noticing his monotoned face and sulk.
''Did your dolly abandon you?''
''Hmm...and why must that be?''
'' 'cause I called her Hyuna.''
And then the hint of guilt and mischief glimmered in his eyes, and I went on with my game.

He's just playing me, the manwhore.
''Hm..are you stressed?'' I sit next to him, brushing my leg against his.

''You really are a charmer, huh?''
I just smile back, mischief mirroring from his eyes to mine.

''A charmer or a turn on?'' I challenged him, and he just scoffed.
''Like you could turn me on. I've slept with more girls than you've seen, and it takes a lot to make me even moan.''

Challenge accepted, manwhore.
''Game on.''
As soon as he had processed my simple sentence, I was already on top of him, my hands on his neck, his hands loosely on my waist.

''H-Hyuna, there are cameras,''
I start to lean in, rocking my hips against his dick painfully slowly, my hands traveling down his shoulders.

He stiffens immensely, his hands becoming firmer on my hips now.
''Come on, what if someone walks in-''
"Do you want me to stop, jimin?" I eye him carefully, a stern look on my face to let him know if he wants to, ill get up.
he starts lifting his hands up my waist, under my jacket.

"Dont.. dont stop."
I began to kiss underneath his jawline, and he instantly tilts his head back, giving me space.

it takes him a while to answer, but he answers with a strangled 'mhmm?'
He is suppressing his moans.
I kiss the front of his neck, sucking on it slightly, and then he lets out a breathy exhale, as if he were trying to suppress it..

''Jesus christ you're good at this," he chuckes breathlessly, resting his head on my shoulder while still giving me room to trail my kisses.

i smile against him, continuing to suck softly against the skin of his muscular neck.
As I start to move towards his lips, he moans breathlessly again, going bright red.
''You sure you want me to,''
''Yes...I want you to, Kwon Hyuna..''

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐓 | 𝐏.𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now