You ready?

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That night consumed three things.



And kissing.

He sucked on the most delicate parts of my chest, all the way up to my collarbone, kissing me with his plump lips like perfection. The way he moved them so slowly one minute, then rough and pleasurable the next.
His kisses were rude, passionate.
And I lived for them.

Although, I am going to kick his ass in the morning, as I'm basically purple all over my chest.

My eyes fluttering open for a moment, before they shut slowly, I come to my senses. I feel a warm body pressed against mine, and the memories of last night come flooding back.
I decide to give him a taste of his own medicine, giving him rough hickeys on his neck.
I graze my lips along the bruised skin when he stirs, kissing it once I had reached the end of his neck.
Running my thumb over the marks, he quickly grabs my hand, flipping us over. He adjusts his position, his lips parted and his hair messy, his abs teasing for me to look down.

"Morning, jiminie~" I say in a low voice, and he closes his eyes momentarily. Groaning slightly, he kisses me, his hand going under the covers to stroke my thigh.

"I fucking love you." He speaks against my lips, licking them afterwards, making me loose my senses.
He kisses me once more before trying to move my jaw at an angle so he can kiss my neck, but I stand my ground, teasing him.

But, park Jimin always gets what he wants one way or another.

He grinds himself against my heat, making me moan louder than I thought I would have, arching my neck out fully, granting him full access just how he wanted.

He kisses all the way across my neck, sucking on my sweet spot just beneath my ear.

As he begins to go down, his phone rings. Jimin growls, still kissing my throat slowly.

"J-Jimin-ah....a-answer it..." I manage to say, surprised at how I could still talk. He finally gets the phone, answering it with a deep, threatening voice.

"What." Not even bothering with greeting the person, he sits up ontop of me, his thighs on either side of my hips.

"What?! N-no! I-" he runs his hand through his pink hair, biting his lip.
"D-dad, I've already got a girlfriend." I start to take an interest in this phone call, watching as Jimin shakes his head.

"I love her more than I've loved anyone, dad. I'm not giving that up for some rich bitch you think you can set me up to marry."


"Fine. But I'm bringing hyuna." I hear a small bit of the male's voice, as he must be shouting.
"What makes you so dedicated to this woman?!" Jimin smirks happily, biting his lip another time.

"Well, I love her dad. A lot. Oh, and She's pregnant, and I'm the father." The line goes silent, and Jimin chuckles.

"We'll be there in three hours. Bye." He taps on the red button, ending the call.

"Well.." I say, sitting up. He laughs almost in a scoff, leaning down to hug me. His face in the crook of my neck, I feel his full lips kiss the skin underneath them softly before speaking.

"We're going to meet my family. And some girl. But don't worry, I'll make sure they can see what you've done to me." I smile cheekily, stroking his hair.

"I love you, jiminie~" he smiles faintly, kissing my shoulder once more before getting off me completely.

"Love you too, jagi. Now go get ready. We've got a long day."

Surprisingly I finished before Jimin, doing the last of my curls.

Surprisingly I finished before Jimin, doing the last of my curls

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What you were wearing^
(just imagine she's pregnant lmfao)

Jimin came out, licking his lips slowly.
God he's so hot.

His simple outfit was still so breath taking, I stopped breathing for about 20 seconds

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His simple outfit was still so breath taking, I stopped breathing for about 20 seconds.

"You look beautiful babe." He said, snapping me out of my trance.

"Thank you, Jimin-ah. You look handsome." He smiles at me, flashing me his cute eye smile that makes my heart simply melt.

"Ready to go?"

Ready to meet your family?
Ready to meet the girl your father wants you to marry?
I'll manage.
Ready to meet your father, the one who is against us and the baby?
Absolutely not.

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