Oh, i dare.

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Jimins POV:

Storming into the apartment building, slamming my fingers against the cold metal of the elevator buttons, rushing to get to that prick of a muscle pig. Not even caring about knocking, I burst through the doors, heading straight for the living room.

And there he was, stroking her hair as she sleeps peacefully.

"You fucking dare to touch her like this without my permission!" I growl at the younger one in front of me, and even without a mirror, I could tell I was red.

"Oh, I dare." He simply replied, continuing to stroke hyunas hair.
Gritting my teeth, I tried my best to hold in my itching need to strangle the bastard.

"No point in getting angry, jimin." Sana speaks from behind me, making me spin into her direction. She walks further towards me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He's the one looking after this poor girl and her fatherless baby. That is, until she decides on wether to say yes to kookie or not." She looks at me expectantly, and when my face was taken over from shock, I could tell that's what she was after, as a smug smirk plastered her lips like blood red lipstick.

"What are you on about? He confessed?" But before she could answer, a small voice rang my ears.

"J-Jimin?" Whipping back around to Jungkooks direction, hyuna stood infront of me, her small frame obviously still tired by the way she was standing. My eyes drifting down, they landed on the now noticeable bump on her tummy from our child. My eyes couldn't help but tear up a bit, realising how stupid and cowardly I was being.

"Sana, Jungkook, thank you for taking care of me, but I need to talk to Jimin." She hugged Sana goodbye, as she left before, and went in to give Jungkook a hug, but he swerved in the direction of her cheek, pressing his lips against the tender skin gently.

"Sleep well, hyuna." He whispered, his eyes never leaving mine as he made sure I was watching.
That little twat.

They both finally left, and she locked the door after them, chucking the keys on the side.

"You missed the ninth scan yesterday." She managed to say, misery tracing her words.
"I-I'm sorry, hyuna. I backed out of what I've done, I created such a mess, and just ran from it. I'm sorry." I look down, watching my feet as if it were something interesting.

"I don't want to be with Jungkook. But if your gonna leave me..." she begins to tear up, looking at me.
I quickly shake my head, running to hug her in my arms.
I stroked the back of her head affectionately, kissing her and telling her I'm not leaving her.
And that's the truth.
I created this, and there's no way I'm leaving again.

"I'm sorry I did this to you, Jimin." She sobs against my chest, and I laugh slightly.
"Hyuna, you didn't get me pregnant, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. So, I'm sorry I did this to you." I move away from her, cupping her face in my hands, "but I'm not at the same time. I'm glad I'm having a baby with you. Because I love you, kwon hyuna, and i wouldn't have it any other way." I kissed her affectionately, gliding my thumb on her cheek, the other hand sliding down her arm and intertwining with hers.

I stopped the kiss before it had got to heated, and I watched her face as she panted for air.

Why am I so whipped for this girl, even now?

Authors note: DONT SKIP THIS.

Sorry this was so short, but it's better than nothing. Anyway, this was, as you can tell, all of Jimins point of view, because I wanted it to be and because I can, its 2018 don't judge tf outta me.
It's so weird! To even think one person reads my stories is insane, but 200?! All I can say is thank you, but in return I'll keep feeding you little nastays with more chapters.

Okay, I'm outtttt!
Smile for me,

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐓 | 𝐏.𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now