Just one thing

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3rd person POV:

''Hyung, just because you got played last night, doesn't mean you can fuck around with 500 girls per minute, especially in front of us.'' Jimin stopped tonguing the girl, and turned to the dark eyes that were piercing through him.
''I wasn't played, asshole.'' Jimin growled back at the younger one, earning a scoff from the girl, as she got up and left.

''Yes, you was. That's why your so needy now. You want her, and no matter how far your tongue is down another girls throats, it won't please you as much as it would with Hyuna, so Jimin, just give up the act and go back home. Living with kookie because your scared of a girl isn't something park Jimin would do.''

Namjoon spoke out of no where, grabbing all 6 of the boys' attention immediately. Despite of all the eyes on him, he was staring down the specific cotton-candy-haired man opposite him.

Jimin stood up, slamming his fists on the table as hard as he could, silencing the full room of people.

And as you would have guessed, he was staring at namjoon, but he had his eyes drilled into a certain brown haired angel walking right in front of him.

You was - as always - rocking the school outfit, your lips slightly more pink, but still no trace of make up.

Why'd you have to be so flawless?- Jimin shook his head at his mental praise towards you, but continued to unconsciously stare at you.

That was until you stared back.
The sudden eye contact made Jimin fall, landing on the floor with what used to be his lunch.

The whole cafeteria was laughing- apart from you.
''Need a hand, jimin?''
You hovered above him, your boobs in his face, making him go bright red.

''Do i look three? fuck off!'' You hum, lifting your body from him.
''Okay. See you later my loves!'' You said to the rest of them, and they all waved back as they secretly melted at your sarcastic nickname for the group.
''Jimin, your not staying at mine anymore okay? Learn to get over her and remember who you are.''

Hyunas POV:

''Come in!'' I shouted, and an angry and sleepy Jimin lounged through the door, plopping himself on the sofa opposite you.
''I hope you've been staying in your room, I don't want your girly smell filling my nose while I sleep.''

I simply hum back, watching the rest of friends.
I feel his intense stare on me, the tv light reflecting in his eyes.
''It's rude to stare, jimin.''
He jerks back, averting his gaze while I don't even move.

''I- you don't even know how you affect me, do you?'' His sudden question makes me turn my attention to him, cocking my eyebrow at him.
''What do you mean?''
He sits up, ruffling his hair.

''I mean, you're so...annoying.''
I smile sarcastically, returning back to watching the show.
Aghh just Fucking say it Jimin! Your a pussy!- Jimin mentally slapped himself, landing his eyes back on you.

It's fucking hard not to stare at him.
Yes, I did kiss him.. on the neck.
His pillow-esque lips are fucking tempting.
How he bites them as he thinks, or how he licks them when he eats.
I just wanna ki-

''You know...you're confusing.''
I look back at the boy, showing boredom.
''You successfully turned me on, without actually kissing me on the lips. No ones done that. But, you just leave it? Was it to leave me sexually frustrated?''

~last night (flashback)~

''Yes...I want you, kwon hyuna.''
I let out a steady breath as I traced my tongue over his jaw, before leaving a soft love bite on the spot.
''To bad..''

and almost as if nothing had happened, I walked out, leaving a panting, hot and aroused Jimin.

~end of flashback~

I stared at the love bite that was still evident on his jaw, making me feel weird inside.
Don't do this to me now, Jimin.
''I'm not kissing you, Jimin. ''

''Why would I want to kiss you? I'm just saying that what you did proves you fuck about with no care of the other persons feelings.''

What a fucking hypocrite. Theres nothing I hate more than a hypocrite.

I stood up, my eyes full of rage as I clench my fists.

''Did you just choose not to look in the mirror for the last 7 years?!'' I threw a pillow at him as I screamed , and throwing his phone onto the sofa, he stormed up to me with no fear. He shoved me against the wall, his face hardly inches away from mine.

"Whatever," He mutters, staring at you with frustration, "At least i dont have to use my tits to get what i want."

''You really are a Fucking twat, park Jimin. Goodnight.'' I threw the blanket that was once wrapped around me, on the couch, and turned around.

But as you stepped forward, his hand found your arm, pulling you against him and the wall.

And then it happened.

Jimins lips smashed against yours, moving his lips to the rhythm of your breathing. At first you didn't kiss back, to shocked to process everything, but soon wrapped your arms around his neck, stroking his hair as he held your waist, going deeper and deeper into the kiss.
I sucked on his lip, pulling it as he let out a deep, low moan.
I could tell he was already turned on, shoving me harshly against the wall as he presses his chest firmly against mine, the feeling making me whimper.

''J-Jimin...y-you don't want wanna do this..'' I tried to suppress my moans as he sucks harshly on my collar bone.
''Jimin! Don't leave marks!''
He chuckles, leaving my neck completely.
I stood still against the wall, breathless and whining.
He leans in once more, before saying
''Goodnight, Hyuna.''

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