The morning after

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I replayed what had happened two hours ago in my head, staring at the white painted ceiling.
He gave me a week.
What if I do fall for him..?


I can't do that.

I looked at the clock, 3:45am .
Shit! Schools' in a few hours..
But without realising, I drifted off, dropping my phone.
''Late again, ms.Kwon?'' I shrug at the teachers, walking past her as I do.
I spot Jimin in the seat next to mine, and he winks at me, making me blush and look down to hide my face.

Stupid boy messing with me I swear.
I plop down on my seat, instantly lying my head down, completely fading the teachers voice out.

''Hyuna...kiss me...'' Jimin says, breathless after our intense make out session. I lean in slowly, stroking his neck as I do, and he watches me cautiously, eyeing my every move.

I kiss his neck, moving up the muscle gently, pressing harder in some places.
he throws his head back as I suck on a particular spot, and he lets out a deep moan.

I shoot up from my desk, falling straight into Jimin, bumping heads like cartoons.
''Fuck!'' I scream, still scared from the sudden loud voice.

''You fell asleep.'' Jimin whispered from behind me, his breathe tickling my neck.
What a Fucking weird dream...fuck!
''Did you get any sleep, my love?'' My heart drops at the nickname, making my stomach feel weird.

''2 or 3 hours..'' he makes a 'tsk' noise, tutting at my poor lack of sleep.
''You need to rest more, how about you go home hmm? When I get back I'll make you some of my favourite hot chocolate.'' He adds, rubbing my thigh as he speaks.

Why is he being so nice to me..?
I agree anyway, going to the office to sign out.
Opening the apartment door, I was welcomed by a girl on the sofa, wrapped up in Jimins baggy T's.
''Yah! Get out, Jimins not here!'' She shoots up, and I notice she was the girl I saw when I first came here.
''Oh, you again. Thought you would have fled the fucking country by now.'' She says, her voice still croaky from sleeping.

''What do you mean?'' I pull a puzzled face, earning a snarl from her.
''You live with Jimin right?'' I nod, signalling her to continue.

''Well you must know he plays with girls by now. He flirts with you, takes you in, pretends to love you, get what he wants and leaves.'' Her words, at the same time confused me but made total sense.
What was I thinking? How on earth could I be different to all the other girls he's done this too?

''And...he says he's just a fuckboy...But he does it to boast about how he hurts these women.'' She starts to put her clothes on, brushing her hair.
''He'll fuck you, then leave you. But if you pay a particular less interest of him than the others, he'll just drop you like a goddamn glass jar. He doesn't care how it'll effect you.'' She explained this so simply, as if she had gone through it.

''How do you know all this..?'' She stops as she grabs her bag, straightening out her shirt.
''I fell in love with him once. So in love I pretended not to like him. He took an interest in me, making me feel as if I was dedicated to him. He said he loved me, we went out, and once he got bored, he left me. Broke me and took my heart with him.'' She trails off, staring at her phone screen. A picture of her and Jimin, they seemed so in love..

''So why are you still sleeping with him?'' I question, my voice timid and shaky.
''It's the only way to make myself feel anything again. He ruined me.'' She replied, a tear falling from her deep brown eyes.
''I'm going. Be careful, kid. Your next.''
As I lay on my bed, the girls' words lingered in my head.
What if he is pretending?
What if I am no different from the others?
What if....I end up like her...?

The echo of the front door opening and closing snap me out of my thoughts, and I quickly get up, wiping the tears I didn't know had even left, off of my face.

''Hyuna? You still here?'' His deep voice shakes the walls of the apartment, sending shivers down my spine.
I walk out, facing him directly.
I stare at him, my eyes becoming watery.
Fuck you, you gorgeous demon.- I said to myself, balling my hands into a fist.

''You okay hyuna?'' He says, walking towards me.
''Yes I'm fine.'' I say, just about loud enough for him to here, before running into my bedroom, locking to door.
''Hyuna! Wait I need to-'' but before he could finish, I was gone.

Breath, hyuna...breath...
I repeat to myself, as I listen out for his voice, but all was around me was silence.
Don't do this to me, Jimin....

Don't do this to me, hyuna...I really do love you for fuck sake...


''Hyuna, I made breakfast.'' Jimins voice radiated through my body, and I hop out of bed.
I sit on the stool, the cold leather making me shiver.

''Smells amazing, Jimin.'' I say, a huge smile on my face as I watch him dish out the food.
Stop staring, hyuna. He doesn't actually love you.- I reminded myself, and I shook my head, looking back at my phone.

A picture of tae smiling showed up, making me smile.
I look up, noticing Jimin staring at the phone with what looked like...jealousy?
''So...your close with tae now?'' I snap out of staring at him, shaking my head lightly.
''No no, he...we...well I was drunk so I took a picture of him and saved it as my lock screen.'' He nods, pretending to understand.

I start to eat the food he dished out, and before I knew it I was finished.
''You have three weeks left...hows it going?'' I look up at him, my eyes glistening with sadness for a second, but soon cover it up with anger.

''Like it would matter.'' I spit at him, making him cock his head to the side, confused.
''What are you on about, hyuna?'' He says, pushing his plate away.

''You treat us all the same. Use us for your personal entertainment, and then leave us.'' I say, not looking at him.

'''s not gonna work with me. I'll win this bet and it'll be all over.'' I say slowly, Jimins face changing from confused to hurt.
''W-whatever you say, hyuna.'' He says, trying to act strong, but failing miserably as he starts to tear up slightly.

He stands up, putting our plates in the sink and leaving to his room, slamming the door shut, making me flinch.
''God, Jimin. Don't make this harder than it already is.'' I whisper, crying silently to myself.

Jimins POV:

Jenna's said something..
why else would hyuna come up with all that bullshit?!
I huff out in frustration, sliding down the door, resting my back against it, leaning my head back.

''Fuck...Hyuna don't leave me..not now...'' a tear falls, and he doesn't even bother to remove it, as more and more come as he starts to wonder...
What if you leave him.?

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