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"Jimin-ah!" My laughter echoed the house as her litters me with kisses on my face, hyunhee giggled at the scene as she eats her cereal.

It's early in the morning and yet this boy doesn't give up.

"I'm so happy you're back yeobo!" Jimin leans in to kiss my cheek again, but I move my face to align our lips, placing a hot kiss on his mouth.

He goes perfectly still in shock, my tongue trailing over his lips for desperate measures.

As I pull away, I giggle at his flustered face, his plump lips glistening from the kiss.

"I got back from Japan three days ago, baby. You need to calm down." I confess, running my hands through his newly dyed black hair as I plant another hot kiss on his lips before going to wash the dishes.

Jimin and I have been married for 3 years now, our daughter happy and healthy along with us. We moved to Busan with his parents, a big house in a beautiful neighbourhood.

If it's possible-  we fell in love with eachother more by each day, and moving in together before marriage helped a lot- he's like a kid.

"Jagiya~" he whines, wrapping his arms around my waist as he presses sweet kisses on the back of my neck to the base of my shoulder, gently turning me around to face him.

"I want a son, jagiya...we've been trying for two years now.." his eyes look down to my stomach, his lips forming into a small pout.

"I'm trying, babe. We're trying." I smile, lifting his chin to place a reassuring kiss on his lips before going to the bathroom.

Jimin squeezes my hand tighter, kissing it before nodding at the doctor.

"So how long have you guys been trying for a baby?" He asks, tapping away on the computer.

"Around two years, Doctor." I reply, nervousness laced in my voice. He smiles at me sadly, spinning on his chair to face us fully.

"Usually that means that your last child caused an issue. All I can say now is that it's up to you on wether to keep trying, or to give up. I'm very sorry, Mr and Mrs Park." He finishes, escorting us from the room.

We stand in the parking lot, Jimin suddenly pulls me into a tight hug as I sob. "I'm sorry, Jimin-ah.." I cry, fisting his shirt as the tears fall freely.

He kisses the top of my head lovingly, his own tears falling now, "it's okay, jagiya. I'm not giving up on this. I love you."

|8 months later|

Jimin sat on the sofa, his eyes red and puffy from crying.

These past few months have been hard for him, his guilt for this situation all of a sudden placed on him, blaming himself for the complications of the much wanted pregnancy.

His heart is shattering and I've tried all I can to make him smile.

I really have.

"I'm back, jimin-ah.." I whisper, sitting on his thighs as I kiss him slowly. His hand wrap around my back, hugging me as we kiss, his tears traveling to our lips.

He pulls away, resting his head in the crook of my neck for comfort. "I feel so bad, hyuna..."

I stroke his hair softly, my fingers enveloped with his as my thumb caresses the back of his hand.

"Jimin-ah..look at me." I whisper, holding his cheeks with my hand as his eyes search mine, tears brimming his bottom eyelids.

"Jimin...baby...I'm pregnant." I whisper, my eyes pricking with fresh tears.

"I'm pregnant." I repeat, watching his expression change slowly. "Y-you're...you're pregnant?!" He exclaims, wrapping my legs around his waist as he holds me and stands up, laughing along with me in happiness.

"You're pregnant! Jagiya it worked!"

"Park Jimin you fucking asshole!" The doctors snigger around him, but that was the least I was worried about.

The pain surprisingly flew by, and soon enough our newborn was in my arms.

"Congratulations, mommy and daddy, it's a boy." The doctor exclaims, wishing us a happy life before leaving the room.

"He's beautiful." I whisper, kissing Jimin sweetly before looking back at the small angel in my arms.

"He'll be a little brat like his mother, Hm.." Jimin giggles, smirking at me.

I laugh at him weakly, smiling as he kisses me on the head gently.

"Wanna bet?"


I just had too...anyway THANKS FOR 506 READS O MA GAWD .

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