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I shot out of bed, my eyes instantly falling onto my exposed neck that was now deeps shades of purples and pinks, the marks leading all the way down to my stomach.

"Shit, Jimin!" I gasp, turning to him in shock.

He sits there in shock too, his eyes full of confusion and disappointment.

"Y-you.. didn't want ..this?" I couldn't even look at him as his voice breaks, my eyes staying on the floor beneath us.

He breathes out, putting on a t-shirt and joggers before grabbing his car keys.

"I need some air."

That was all he said before leaving, slamming the door behind him as I let my tears slip.

I cheated on Taehyung.

I knew I had to fix what I had done, I just didn't know how.

2 hours later~

I walked to the one place I can calm myself down, finding a familiar back facing me.

As I came closer, I remembered who it was.


I sighed, sitting next to him on the edge of the cliff as we both stare at the sun set.

Jimin was the first one to speak, despite the tears flowing intensely.

"This is where the whole thing began, hyuna. Do you remember the bet?" His voice shaky, but his words were bold.

The images of us kissing, genuine smiles on our faces just because of eachothers presence, pressed something inside me.

My eyes suddenly released my tears, all the tears I've been holding back since I had left England.


I turned to him, my eyes glistening with his as he bites his lips.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper, placing my head on his. He shakes his head, placing his big hands over mine in a way of comfort.

"Don't be, hyuna...I'm happy I get to be this close with you." He smiles, but his eyes show anything but happiness.

"Jimin-ah...I-" he stops me from speaking, shaking his head as he pulls away.

"I know, last night meant nothing and you're gonna be out of the house by tomorrow. It's fine, I know I made a mistake by telling you how I feel and I'm-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips against his softly, my hands cupping his cheeks as I wipe his tears away with my thumbs, my lips sucking on his bottom lip gently, melting against him as the sun finally sets behind us, illuminating Jimins black hair to a deep shade of blue.

I pull away, panting as I watch his eyes for any signs of discomfort or rejection.

But, all I saw was the love I felt too.

"I miss you too, jiminie. So much." I laugh as I feel the weight lift off my shoulders, kissing his lips repeatedly as he smiles against my lips.

"B-but what about Taehyung?" I smile at him, running my hand through his hair.

-flash back, 2 hours ago-

I pressed Taehyungs number on my phone, watching the screen as it rings a few times, before answering.



The line went silent before we both laugh slightly, shaking my head.

"You first hyuna." His deep voices speaks through the phone, reluctantly nodding even though he couldn't see me.

"Taehyung-ah...I...I need to tell you something..." I began to feel nervous as he hums, signalling me to speak.

"W-we can't be together, tae..I-I love Jimin." I let out a nervous breath, jumping when Taehyung sighs in relief.

"That's fine, hyuna. I kind of met someone too, I was gonna call you later." I smiled as I heard the genuine love towards this girl, thankful it was all okay.

"So..we're cool?" I ask, my thumbs moving together.

"Of course!..but, how are you gonna break the news to hyunhee?" I sigh, closing my eyes.

"I don't know.."

-flashback end-

Once I finished speaking, Jimin suddenly stands up with me in his arms, pulling me away from the cliff edge.

"H-hey what are you-"

He wraps his hands around my waist quickly, holding me in his arms as he envelopes me in a passionate kiss.

His lips move at a decent pace, making me sigh against him as my hands rest behind his neck in a lock.

He sucks and pulls gently on my lip before releasing me slowly, placing me on the grass.

"I've been waiting to do that ever since you said that Taehyung said it was okay." He sounds totally serious with what he said, making me giggle.

"I love you so much jagiya." He breaths, kissing me again.

"I love you too, jiminie."


....book two or nah? HAHAHAHA

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