The note

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It came so quick I didn't even realise, packing the last of my things in a black suitcase.

"You ready, baby?" I nod, and Jimin takes my hand in his, walking out of the apartment, locking it.

"Wow. England is so different from korea, huh..." I look at my surroundings, my eyes falling instantly on a shop called costa, the muffins looking very appealing to me.

"Jiminie....can we get a ...cos...costa?" My English wasn't that amazing when it came to reading it, but I managed.
When he notices the shop too, he nods happily.

"Sure baby, I'm hungry too." I smile sweetly to him, walking along into the shop.

A sting scent of coffee beans filled my nose, the loud noises of the blenders filling my ears.
"You want a drink too?" He asks, stroking my knuckles with his thumb.
I nod, my eyes roaming the hot drinks board.

"Can I just have a large hot chocolate? With cream please?" He nods, saying that he'll have the same, before going off to order as I find a seat.

"Is an apartment okay, hyuna? I know there's a baby and all that, but it's a penthouse." He says as he presses the 'penthouse' button on the lift, the metal doors closing automatically.

"Everything's fine, chimchim. Just as long as I'm with you." He smiles at me, kissing the back of my hand.

The lift doors open, and a beautiful black and white hallway appears in front of me.

"Wow...this place is amazing." I say, putting my coat on the hook and slipping my shoes off.

4 months later~

After the first couple of days, Jimin had hardly spent time with me, even in the mornings, I'd wake up alone.
It's depressing, and with only one month left of the pregnancy, I don't think I'll be able to manage.

Walking into the kitchen with the shopping, I neck a glass of water with some ibuprofen.

Fuck this baby is killing me.
I decide to watch some tv, and dial Jimins number.

It rang a few times, before answering quickly.
Jimins grunts and moans fill the speaker, along with some unfamiliar female moans too.
I sat on the sofa, confused as to what was happening.
That was until he spoke.

"F-fuck, Sulgi." I quickly ended the call, dropping my phone onto the floor. 

Rushing into our bedroom, I don't even bother about the mess I'm making as I grab all of my clothes, stuffing them into a suitcase and zipping it up, putting everything else in the other suitcase.
Once all of my stuff was packed, I looked around the room with tears in my eyes.

The wardrobe now only had Jimins stuff, and only his bedside table had stuff on it.
A picture of us.
I scoff, the tears finally falling as I sob.

I write a letter, placing it in the centre of the bed before leaving.

I'm taking the first flight home.

3 hours later, Jimins POV:

Walking into the penthouse, an empty feeling rushed through me, but I let it slide as I walked into the kitchen.

A bag of shopping still on there, still wrapped and in the bags.
Weird, did she fall asleep or something?

I shouted her name, but all I got back was silence, so I went into the living room.
Season seven of friends was still playing, the blanket hyuna uses sprawled along the arm of the sofa.

This is getting scary now...
finally checking the bedroom, my face instantly become white.
Wardrobe? Empty, other than my shit.
Bedside table? Nothing but a hair clip.
In the middle of the bed, a note caught my eye.

Picking it up, tears escaped my eyes unconsciously as I read it.


I guess you butt dialled me haha..
Well I hope Sulgi treats you well, I'm leaving, back home to Korea obviously. And don't worry about the baby, I'll take good care of her.
Enjoy your next four years with that slut,
I love you..
Goodbye, Jimin.

The delicate piece of paper swept out of my hand, falling onto the floor.
So did I.
I collapsed beside the note, reading it over and over while sobbing.
My knees going weak and my head spinning, the words she had wrote swirling in my head.

What have I done..?

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