Another reunion?

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5 years later~

Rolling around in my bedsheets, my eyes land on two small feet. Surprising the small girl with my hands, I pull her onto my lap, smoothing her with kisses.

"Eomma! You took ages to wake up pabo-ya." Pinching her small cheeks, she giggles cutely.

My phone pings, and I pick it up, my best friends name on the screen.

Hobi(the hobo): hey bitch! Second high school reunion! Your ass better be coming. Ah! and bring that little angel with you! Hyunhee is so cute!

I smile at hobis text, looking over to my daughter while smiling.

We've come a long way, princess.

I quickly reply back, turning my phone off afterwards.

You: defiantly! Make sure you bring jaesok! They look so cute together!

"Hyunhee, we have a party to go to tonight, do you want to come?" I ask her, playing with her brown hair as he pouts to herself.
"Yes eomma. Is appa going to be there?"


"I don't know, baby. Let's see." She looks down at the pink and gold band around her wrist, smiling gently.
"Appas been gone for a very long time now..."


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The reunion hall was huge, the building full with all of the high schoolers.
Most of them had children or were married.

"Appa! EOMMA appas here!!!" She basically flew out of my arms, running up to the brown haired man.
She shoved her bracelet in his face, smiling widely.
"Look appa! I kept it on like you said!" He kisses her on the cheek, praising her.
"Well done, princess!" He puts her down, walking over to me.
"Hello baby. I missed you." He says, kissing me slowly and passionately.
I sigh against the kiss and pull away before it got too heated, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you too, tae."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐓 | 𝐏.𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now