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It was time. My stuff along with hyunhees was all packed and I stood with the little girl in my arms as I watched the van take them to the house.

Taehyung walked up to me, hugging us both tightly.

"Im sorry, baby. But I promise, ill be back in no time." I nod, pressing my lips against his with every bit of love i have, and he sighs against my lips in awe.

"Do you have to go on a stupid work trip? I need you, tae." I knew begging him would have no effect now, but at least I got to see him smile.

He shook his head at me, kissing hyunhee on the cheek, moving his lips to mine as he places a sweet kiss. I smile as he pulls away, and he bends down slightly to grab both suitcases.

"I love you both," he pauses, smiling brightly, "don't miss me too much." I smile back, waving him off as he leaves to the airport.

Hyunhee clings onto me tighter, causing me to look down on her. She smiles sadly at me, lifting her hand up to stroke my cheek lovingly with her soft, small hands.

"I know you're sad, eomma. Its okay, I am too." Her words make me weak to the bone, but I ignore the urge to cry as I smother her face with kisses.

"He will be back soon, princess. For now, lets go see our new home, hmm?" She nods excitedly, waving her teddy about.

The driver jimin sent finally stopped, walking around the black jeep before opening my side of the door.

"We have arrived, ma'am." I get out of the car, carrying hyunhee oh my hip as I steady myself. Bowing lightly to the man, I thank him for taking us, hyunhee soon copying with a bright smile on her face.

So much like your father..

Only when the driver leaves, do I notice  how big the house is. About five a stories tall, and covered in deep shades of greys and whites, the roof being jet black.

Two cars parked outside, one being another, jet black, jeep, the other being a blue Lamborghini. I smiled at how aesthetically pleasing it looked, but my joy soon vanished as a certain black haired twat came into view, standing at the door.

Rolling my eyes along with throwing my head back, I had no choice but to walk as hyunhee began to get cold.

He was in his slacks, paring it with a baggy white top as his hair sprung out in all different directions, hinting that he had not long woken up.

Instead of greeting him, I held onto mine and hyunhees bag, walking past his muscular form without stopping.

"Hyuna," he starts, "we need to talk." He stops me by grabbing my wrist, looking at me with sincere eyes.

I huff out, telling the little girl in front of me to go into the living room.

Turning back to jimin, he startles me by pushing me against the wall with his chest, his lips by my ear.

"No disrespect towards me in this house," he whispers, edging his lips against the curve of the start of my jaw as she smirks, " you're on my territory."

Normally, I would have kept my trap shut, going back to hyunhee, but I had enough of him already, so I decided to talk back.

"Now listen, baby. It is enough just seeing you, let alone living with you. So if you expect respect off of me if you don't return the damn favor, then you cam shut your dirty trap and carry on as if I and my daughter, wasn't here."

His face was momentarily stunned, the expression giving me entertainment, bedsore he quickly covered it up with a smirk.

He goes to speak back, but I held my hand up, stopping him.

"Don't even bother trying. I'm going upstairs." I take a hold of hyunhees hand, heading up to my room-to-be for the next eight months.

Jim in watched as I walked, smirking to his own delight.

"Just you wait, hyuna."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐓 | 𝐏.𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now