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Light pressure, soft kisses, a trail following from my hip to my neck, tickling me in a way that made me giggle softly.

I open my eyes, finding a smirking Jimin in front of me, his eyes puffy from sleeping.
''Moring, jagi. How'd you sleep?" He asks me quietly, stroking my hair back.

"Good babe. You? You seem happy today." I flash him a cheeky smile, making him chuckle.
"Just can't get over the fact that I wake up to such a beautiful girl." He kisses the tip of my nose, then my lips, trailing down my jaw. He shifts himself above me, his waist inline with mine, kissing down my neck, gently sucking on my sweet spot, making me inhale quickly, wrapping one hand around his neck as he continues.

''I just can't get enough of you." He whispers in my ear, making me shiver in excitement. He kisses the top of my boobs, sucking them slightly before continuing to kiss down my stomach, his fingers drawing small circles on my hips.

"Jimin..'' I mumble, his lips making my mind go blank as they graze against my skin, leaving me hot.

''Hmm?" He hums, the vibrations on my stomach making me bit my lip to suppress my moans threatening to come out.

''I-I have work i-in 20 minutes.." I imply, but he carries on with his movements, making me crazy.

I swap the positions, straddling him, pinning his hands to the silk bedsheets underneath us.
''I need to go to work, love.'' I say half panting, trying to calm myself down from our make out session.

I watch as his chest rises up and down, his lips parted and his eyes pouring into mine.
"Fine...but I want you later." I peck his lips, getting off him quickly to get dressed.

I press send, watching as the 'opened' notification pops up, telling me that Jimin opened my photo. I decided to tease him for fun, sending him a picture of my cleavage. I quickly turn off my phone, placing it in my pocket as the doors open.

My boss walks to me, handing me a ton of fabric. I look at him pleadingly, but he shakes his head apologetically.

"I need you to make 1000 GUCCI ribbons, Jennie left early, so it's just you and Jaebum." He says, walking off before I could protest.
I know now Jimin isn't gonna be happy, especially if I'm alone with jaebum. Them two have been rivals since they could crawl.
Lisa walks up to me, handing me a large cup of coffee.

"You'll need this." She pats my back, watching jaebum as he sits down, eyeing him with the 'bitch you dare' face, before leaving.

"Hey, hyuna. I guess I've got you all night." I turn to him, nodding with a forced smile.
"I guess you have." I say, turning away from him and eyerolling eternally.

2 hours later~
I finish my 234th ribbon, watching my phone move as it vibrates against the table.
"Just answer the damn thing. I won't tell boss." Jaebum says, not looking away from his ribbon.

I stand up straight away, answering the phone, going into my private office, locking it.
"Why have you called me so much! I texted you saying I'll come back at 11 the latest!" I say, but when I grow silent, I hear the pants and grunts of Jimin, making my legs weak in the matter of 5 seconds. No way is this what I think it is.

''Sweetheart, you need to come home.." he whines, his pants becoming faster as he speaks.
''Jimin...are you...?'' He lets out a deep, strangled moan, before grunting impatiently.
''No...I want to wait for need to hurry up!" He whines, shuffling around on the other line.

"I'm going as fast as I can, jiminie." I say, becoming flustered myself.
He grunts roughly, sighing heavily before punching something.

''What you did earlier, wasn't funny...'' he trails of, moaning to himself.
''I didn't know you were gonna react like this...'' I say apologetically, and he curses under his breath, trying his best to hold in his moans.

''You best hurry..'' he says out of breath, ending the call before I could reply. I sit still, shocked. Now I'm flustered,probably red, and very aroused. That bastard.

I get up off my chair, gulping my coffee in one go.

''You can go now, hyuna-ssi..'' jaebum says, packing his belongings.
I nod, packing my own things.

He turns off the office lights, locking them and the door to the staff room.
''Okay, lets go?'' He presses his hand against the small of my back, walking with me.
''Want a ride home? I don't want you walking in the dark at this time.'' He offers, and I gladly accept as it was cold.

He opens the door for me,and I sit in, buckling my belt.
The leather seats warm up beneath me, shocking me slightly.

''Sorry, i heat up my seats when I get in. A habit I guess." I nod, relaxing my shoulders.
After about 5 minutes, we arrive outside my apartment building.

''Want me to walk you in?'' He says, but I kindly protest, as I knew Jimin would somehow see him. I'm already in enough trouble.

''Thanks for the ride, See you tomorrow." I wave him goodbye, walking into the building.
I pull the handle down, opening the apartment, welcomed by the fully lit room, tv on channel 3 playing some Korean comedy.

''J-Jimin?'' I say, walking into the kitchen.
''Took you long enough.'' I whip my body around, my eyes landing on Jimin.


His hair messy, as if he had just woke up, his lips more pink and plump than usual, wearing loose joggers, his red supreme boxers showing the elastic at the top, his chest bare, showing how his chest rises and falls within every 2 seconds. My mouth parts, lost for words as I watch him lick his lips.

''I-....'' he walks up to me, shoving me up against the fridge, making me gasp slightly and place my hands around his biceps.

"You don't understand how turned on I am right now. No. Idea." He says in my ear, licking it slightly making me weak in the legs almost instantly.

''Ahh...Jimin...I'm sorry..'' he quickly presses his chest against me, forcing a moan from my throat.

He groans, kissing my neck roughly while lifting my jaw to give him better access, his other hand traveling down the side of my waist.
He levels his face with mine, watching as my eyes dart to his lips, back to his eyes. My breath hitches as I watch his pupils dilate so much almost his whole eye colour is black.

I bite my lip as it goes silent, and he throws his head back, pushing his hair out of his face in frustration.

I know we've done it the party back in highschool, but neither of us were sober, and it was almost 4 years ago. This time, both of us clearly sober...and so ready.

''Let me show you just how much I love you.'' He growls, smashing his lips against mine.

Authors note:
Haha! Until next chapter...

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