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I guess I was so tired to remember the fact that Jimin is now my boss. I was his dads secretary when Jimin was in England, and now that Mr.Park has retired, I will be seeing the face of the man who ruined my life. How fun.

"Hyunhee! Come on we're going to work!" I scream, and she laughs excitedly. As hyunhee is still under age for kindergarten, I normally take her to work with me as I can't afford a babysitter. Mr.Park loved her, anyway.

"Eomma can I bring my blue teddy?" She squeals, pulling an innocent face. Damn, she's good.
"Okay, hee-ya. But only this once, okay?" And of course, she nods her head approvingly. "Of course eomma."

One teddy bear was what she promised me, not five. All her favourite colour and she insisted she needed them to stay happy. "B-but eomma! I need them all!" She was definitely on the verge of tears, but her head perked up and the tears had soon went away when she saw her appa.

"Appa! Eomma isn't letting me-" he shushes her dismissively, waving whatever she was about to say out of her head. "Now now princess," he clicks his tongue, kissing her cheek, "what have I told you about tattling? I'm sure your eomma had a perfect- oh my!" His eyes fell on my flushed state, my face red, my hands full with hyunhees vibrant teddies.

"Hyunhee-ah, go put your teddies in Eomma's office, hmm?" He winks and her, and she giggles, running behind Taehyung to the office. Such a brat.

"Baby, your stressed." I shoot a glare his way. "No shit Sherlock." I spat, and he just laughed it off.

"I missed you." He said, embracing me into a tight hug, rubbing the soft spot on my back that he knew made me go weak. Evil man- I love him.

"Tae, as much as I love you, and your hugs, I need to go to work. Mr. Park will be here any-"
"I'm here already, Miss. Kwon. Nice to see your in. But I will need your boyfriend to leave, it's work hours." And with that, Jimin turned around, a smug look on his face as he walks to the office door of his room. I roll my eyes, returning my gaze back to tae.

"Help. Me." He chuckles, kissing me on the head before bidding his goodbye.

"Hyunhee-" before I could finish my sentence, my eyes landed on my lap, where a small, sleeping hyunhee lay. So peaceful. So clueless. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock, and I looked up, still stroking the soft hair in the little girls head gently.

"Ah. Miss.Kwon. Can you follow into my office?" I nod, placing hyunhee onto the mountain of blankets I already had stacked for her. Following Jimin back into his office, I hear him close the door before walking around to his desk in front of me.

"Hyuna." He breathes, the way my name rolls off his tongue almost making me sigh in delight. I haven't heard that in a while. His smirk brought me back to my senses, my eyes steadily on him as he slides around the desk, his back resting on the side comfortably as he eyes me like a hawk.

"What's up, Mr.Par-"
"Please, call me Jimin." Shaking my head, I straighten my back, lifting an eyebrow.
"In work I like to keep my relationships with co-workers formal. I'd think to do the same with my boss, thank you." I snapped, and he could just smirk.

He takes a deep breath, before letting it all out while biting his sin filled lips.
"I'm sorry," he releases his lip," I'm sorry for leaving you, for abandoning you while you were pregnant, I'm sorry for cheating on you." And I could just laugh. I stood up from my chair, walking closely towards him.

"Firstly, you didn't leave me, I left you. You were in England, I left to go back to Korea. Secondly, you didn't abandon me. I'm not a dog. You cowardly stepped out of your situation like a child. And thirdly, don't be sorry, you got what came to you for that one, didn't you? A cheat for a cheat. And I bet you now she's fucking jeon Jungkook in your own bed. Your house." I backed away from him, standing by the chair.

"Anything else, Mr.Park?" And when he didn't answer, I made my way to the door, holding the handle in my hand, ready to leave.

"I want full custody of our daughter, hyuna. If you do not grant me my want, I will legally sue you for forcing sex towards me, and verbal abuse towards not only my girlfriend, but my dad, too."

And just like that, my world flipped one million times without warning. Who are you, park Jimin?

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