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He picked the pregnancy test up, inspecting it.
"Your really pregnant?" He questions, his eyes softening. I nod, smiling sadly.

"I'm not ready for this, hyuna..." he shakes his head as he speaks, and a painful crash entered my heart. As if I had just watched my world crash into pieces. Well, I sort of did.

"What do you mean, Jimin? You think I'm ready for looking after a new life? I'm 23! I only just got the job I wanted!" I lift my hands in the air, mind-fucking this whole situation.
Just wake up already! Your dreaming!

"I gotta go...think for a while.." he grabs his jacket, slipping on his nikes before heading out.
I sigh in desperation, flopping onto the sofa and screaming in the pillow.

Waking up the next day, god I wish I hadn't.
I had a billion things to take care of. Checking up on the baby, getting the weeks of how long I've been pregnant,
And finding Jimin.

Normally after his stupid walk-outs, he'd be back by now, asleep in the bed, sprawled out like a cute little puppy.

But I woke up to an empty apartment.
But a very displeasing text.

From: jiminie<3

I'm going out of town for a while.

And that was it. No address, not a single detail of where this fuckers' going. And I've never felt so betrayed.

"What the fuck do I do, Sana? He left. I'm alone." I walk around the kitchen as I rant continuously to my best friend, surprised she hasn't chopped off my tongue yet.
"You have me, hyuna, what's the big deal? He'll come back in-" I scream mid way her sentence, unable to hold myself.

"I'm pregnant! I'm a mother! And park fucking jimin! Is the fucking! Dad!" I break down my sentences as if talking to the baby themselves, and the apartment goes weirdly silent.

A wife mouthed Sana appears from the door, her eyes as wide as saucepans.
"You fucking told me you used protection ya lil nastay!"

"Your three months gone, ms. Kwon. On the forth or fifth month, you'll be able to know the baby's gender." The doctor writes down my information, looking back up at me.

"Will the father be here for the gender reveal?" I look down, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.
"I sure hope so, doctor."

I slouch on the sofa, a tub of chocolate ice cream in my hands, along with a vanilla milkshake.

I begin to feel sick, putting down the dairy products on the coffee table.
I get into a comfortable position, my eyes on my growing belly bump as they begin to water.
"Your appas a real jerk.. it may just be me and you for a while.." I look up to the ceiling, trying to blink back my tears.

"A real fucking coward."

Jimins POV:

I know. I shouldn't have done this. But being a father? At this age? I just...couldn't face the truth.
I miss hyuna like hell, but it's not just hyuna anymore.. she has a child.

"Jimin, dude.. you gotta go back to her." Namjoon sips on his beer as he ruffles his hair, watching my expressions.

"I can't! I-...I Fucking miss her like crazy. But it's not just her anymore. She's carrying a baby!" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air.
"Yeah, your damn baby, assfuck. What are you running away from? She's carrying your baby.

You love her. You love her more than you've ever loved anyone else, and yet your wasting the time you could be spending with that girl, finding out about your baby, how he or she is doing, god even the fucking gender! Your spending all that time here? In busan?" I stare at the bubbles in the bottle, swirling them around.

"I'm a coward. I know." I see in my peripheral vision that namjoon nods along with me, sipping the last of his beer.

"Let me just tell you something." He grabs his phone, typing in the password and it automatically unlocks.

"If you don't move your ass back to Seoul where your family is, your baby is going to have a new father by next Sunday." He shows me the screen on his phone, and I felt he anger rise in my cheeks, the blood around my body starts to boil.

A picture of Jungkook holding hyuna in his arms as they both sleep peacefully, the photo uploaded by Sana.

I look down, growling in anger.
"He Fucking touched her..I fucking warned him." I see namjoons evil smirk slowly form on his face, and he stands up.

"It's your choice now weather you actually choose to protect and love the family you made. Be the man for fuck sake, park. Don't be the coward I know your not." I slip my shoes on, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Yah! Tell your friends to calm the fuck down on my doorframes! They're almost as bad as you!" Jin waves his pink spatula around as he shouts from the kitchen, the colour of the cooking utensil the same as his apron tied around his broad shoulders.

"Stupid kids.." he tuts, continuing to stir the food.

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