Fruit pot

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It's my fault that all of this happened and yet, I feel so fucking alone.
Jimin seems to have moved on, as he's been kissing almost every girl in the school at lunch.
And Sana...well she's been spending most of her time in the library.

And I've been alone too, the rooftop, obviously.
It's probably the only place now where I don't get flirted with. The boys think I'm easy.
''Still up here, huh?'' I turn my head slightly, returning back the the front as I take a glimpse of the person.

''Of course, yoongi, where else would I be?'' He sits next to me, handing me a coffee.

Since helping me i learnt his actual name. Trusting me with that information one hundred percent made me cry but he doesn't need to know that.
''Have you been eating?'' He asks, focusing on the moving clouds in front of us.

I shake my head, looking down as I smile.
''No, I-I've not really had an apatite.'' He hums in answer, shuffling about in his backpack.

''Eat.'' He places a box of fruit on my lap, and I look up at him.
''Really, I'm not-''
''Fine then, I'll feed you myself.'' He grabs the plastic fork, sticking a piece of watermelon on the end, putting it up to my face.
''Say 'ahhhhh.''

(i had to

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(i had to.)

I chuckle at his example, eating he watermelon off the fork.
''Good girl.'' I smile at his praise, as he continues to feed me.

''Yoongi? Can I ask you a question?''
He nods as he slips the last grape onto the plastic.

''What would you do if I..left?'' He stops his movements, staring at me deeply in the eyes.
''Do not tell me my sweet hyuna is thinking about leaving me, now hmm?''

I quickly shake my head, looking down.
''I-I was just wondering, no worries..'' I see him nod, and he picks up the fork again.
''Look up so I can feed you, hyuna..''

He takes my chin in between his fingers when I don't obey, forcing me to look at him.
''Hey...things will get better..'' i avert my gaze, blinking back my tears as much as I could.
''I miss him..'' he moves the cup of fruit from his lap, pulling me in between his legs as he back hugs me on the floor, placing a soft kiss on my head as I sob.

''I know, love...'' he strokes the back off my hand, creating circles on my skin.
''I know..''

''You are seriously gonna let this girl crumble all because your too pussy to face her?! She thinks you fucking hate her for what you two did that night!'' Yoongi shouted at Jimin, who was just sitting there on his phone.

Jimin was paying attention, in fact his hyungs words only pained him more about the whole situation, but he held it in.

''Do you not have anything to say for yourself?'' Yoongi huffed out, bringing his arms to his sides.

''Close the door on the way out? Thanks.'' His hyung just scoffs, turning around.
''I've gave you three weeks. And in those two weeks, you've done nothing but hurt her more.'' Yoongi grabs his phone from the table, stuffing it in his pocket.

''So I give up with trying with you two. I'll look after her myself ,and good luck trying to Fucking take her back, a twat like you doesn't deserve her.''

And he leaves Jimins room, slamming the door behind him, making Jimin flinch.
''I'm sorry, hyuna...''

It's been 2 months. I haven't seen Jimin at all, other than catching him in his intense make out sessions with different girls every time.

He comes back today.. back to the apartment...
I heard that when he found out about me and yoongi being close friends he got pretty mad....
But why?

I snap out of my thoughts, a loud knock comes from my front door.
I rush over to the door, opening it quickly. Oh shit... completely forgot I was still in my pajamas.

''J-Jimin! Hi! Eh..come in?'' He barges past me, going into the kitchen.
''Nice to see you too..''
I follow him in the kitchen, making at tea while im in there. Should I say something..?
''So I-''

''I'm leaving for a party at 6, don't wait up for me.''
I nod, putting sugar into the other cup.
''Who's here?'' I continue to stir the tea as I answer.

''Yoongi's here.'' I say bluntly, and I watch as he clenches his fists, so hard they turn white.
''Why is he--''

''Am I not aloud to sleep around my friends home?'' Yoongi appears in the doorway, his freshly coloured mint green hair all messy and out of place.

What is it with Middary Court Academy boys and vibrant hair colours anyways?

I hand him the tea, walking past him to the sofa, covering myself in a fluffy blanket.

I hear the boys talking in be kitchen, and before I knew it they were shouting down eachothers throats.

I put down my tea, going to see what was happening.
But as I entered the kitchen and stood behind yoongi, Jimin swung at his face but yoongi swiftly dodging it, Jimin smashing his fist into my lip.

''Fuck hyuna!!'' I fall backwards into the wall, sliding down it as I go light headed.
''Hyuna are you okay? Can you see me properly?'' I try and focus on him, but the impact of Jimins force knocked me so fast I lost balance.

''My head hurts..'' he nods, picking me up bridal style to the room.
He places me on the bed, the soft white sheets engulfing me.

''I'll get you some advil and water okay? Stay awake for a bit.'' I nod half consciously, turning to the left.

Jimin stood in the kitchen, shocked.
What the fuck is wrong with me..- he thought, before running out the apartment.
He didn't know where he was going, but he just wanted to be alone.
He wanted you back...
Jimin opened his phone, the time read 12:34am...
almost 1 in the morning, yet he didn't want to face you.
Not yet.
''Your gonna catch a fever, Jimin.'' Jimin jumped up from the bench, facing the small figure in front of him.

''What are you doing out here, hyuna?'' You walked past him, sitting on the edge of the cliff.
''I wanted to walk.'' Jimin sat next to you, watching as you closed your eyes and breathed in, your long eyelashes fluttering on your cheeks creating beautiful shadows.

''You know I don't hate you, right?'' You looked back at him, smiling gently.
''Are you sure about that?'' You question, unsure.

''It's the opposite. I...when my mom left my dad...I never trusted women.. I made a promise to myself to never fall in love. Because we'd only end up like my parents. But...I realised you can't help but love, and I love you..'' a tear fell from his cheek, and he looked down.

''Jimin...look at me..'' I cupped his cheeks in both hands, wiping his tears away with my thumb.
''Not every relationship will be the same. It depends on who the person is.'' He sniffs, looking at me dead in the eye.

''Then...let's make a bet.'' I pull a confused face, staring at him.
''You fall in love with me by the end of this semester, we have to start something...''
''And if I don't..?'' He takes a deep breath, looking from my lips to my eyes.
''Then all I ask for is a kiss...and then I'll leave you alone...''


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐓 | 𝐏.𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now