While you were gone

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As I talked with tae, hyunhee pulled the both of us over to hoseok, where a small boy was behind Sana, smiling at hyunhee shyly.

"Hobi-ah! You dyed your hair!" I exclaim, picking hyunhee and placing her on my hips. He chuckles at my sudden outburst, looking over to Sana.

"Well, Sana has to tell you something very important, even more existing than my hair~" he teases me, and I pout slightly, laughing it off after a couple seconds.

"Well? What is it?"

"I'm pregnant!" She shouts, both of us squealing and hugging eachother. I smile, congratulating them both.
"Bee, why don't you go play with jaesok?" She nods her head, sliding down my body and running over to the boy happily.

"Come on jaejae." She takes his hand in hers, and he immediately blushes.

How cute.

Hoseok and Sana went to get a drink from the bar, and me and taehyung went to sit on a table by the window.

"Yah, taehyungie. You don't do cute stuff like that with me!" I said, watching as jaesok kissed hyunhee cheekily, running away soon after.
I watch them with a smile on my face, my heart exploding from the cuteness.

"No baby, I do a lot worse to you." I whip my head to the brown haired man, his smirk making my heart race, the pace increasing as he places his big and on my thigh, coming closer to my face, leaning in to my ear, biting it softly before speaking.

"How about we make hyunhee a big sister, hmm?" He licks the corner of my jaw, making me sigh, almost moaning.
I could hear his smirk, If that even makes sense.

"F-fuck off, tae." I try to get him to stop, acting as if I wasn't affected by his actions, but failed miserably as I gasped and moaned as he slid his tongue over my sweet spot.

Fuck him.

"Is that Jimin?! Who's that girl with him? She's so ugly ahah.." the voices from behind me caught my attention, standing up from tae as my eyes search the room for a particular pink haired man.

And there he was, standing at the entrance, his eyes already staring at me. But, his hair is red. It's suits him.
"Jimin." I whisper,my eyes suddenly becoming teary.
I run towards the bathroom, locking it after me.

Placing my hands on the sink, I try to calm my breathing.
His face in my mind, all the memories of our relationship flooded my mind. From how we first met to me leaving for my job, to the pregnancy..to our arguments....to him leaving...to him going with Sulgi...to now.
Of course I missed him, but what good will it do now? I'm with taehyung, he's with Sulgi.
We are both happy. Right?
I leave the bathroom, sitting back down next to tae.

"Eomma! Come here!" Hyunhee shouts me, and I stand up, feeling a pair of eyes on me as I walk. I turn my gaze slightly, Jimins stare focused on me.

"What's up, hunny?" I ask, sitting her on my lap and stroking her black hair behind her ear.
"I'm thirsty." I smile, taking her over to the vending machine.
"Pick a drink princess." I say, watching as her small hands press against the juice she wants, putting in the money for it. The drink comes out the bottom, and she grabs it, sticking it straight in her mouth and signalling for me to pick her up.

"H-hi, hyuna." A familiar voice calls me, making me turn around.
"Jimin. Hi." I say, staring at him for a bit to long.
Although his hair colour has changed, his face hasn't. The more I stare at him, the more he reminds me of our child.
I notice the little girl had fell asleep on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully.

She has no clue.

"How was England?" I ask, but he doesn't answer, staring at hyunhee in awe.
"S-she looks so beautiful." I smile, stroking her hand affectionately.
"You took good care of her, I see." He said, looking at me with teary eyes.
I smile sadly, looking at the floor momentarily before looking back at him.

"Congrats on taking over your dads company. You'll be seeing me everyday now, boss." I smile half heartedly, setting the small girl on the piles of pillows behind us.

"She has my lips..and your gorgeous eyes.." he stares at her once again, his eyes still on the verge of tearing up.

He looks at me suddenly, licking his bottom lips as it had become dry before speaking.

"I'm sorry I left you alone, to look after her by yourself. Does she know I'm her-" I cut him of by a small laugh, making him pull a confused face.

"I wastnt alone during the pregnancy, Jimin. Some things happened while you were gone. Sana cheated on taehyung so they broke up, tae decided to help out with the baby seeing as he had nothing else to do apart from work, and he's kind of the boss...and feelings were developed. Hyunhee was born and taehyung was there with me through it all. She calls him appa, and that's how it gonna stay." I didn't changed my facial expression throughout the whole time I was speaking, but Jimin did shed a few tears.

Serves you right. You left me for your skank.

"N-now that isn't fair, hyuna." He looks over to hyunhee, his eyes pleading for her.
"It is fair, Jimin. You cheated on me, and left me to look after her by myself. I'm sure if I wasn't with taehyung, you wouldn't have had a problem. You'd go away with your slut and be happy." His gaze suddenly turns fearful, and he starts walking up to me slowly.

"Why does everyone call her a slut! She's never cheated on me!" I look over to the hall where everyone is, and my point was proven right there.

"Jimin-ah...turn around.." he does as I say, his eyes growing with more rage as he watches his beloved girlfriend stick her tongue down someone's mouth and her hand in his jeans. Oh how right I was, aye?

"I told you from the start, that bitch is a user. But, you still left me and hyunhee for her. And look where you are now." Just as I finished my sentence, hyunhee woke up, yawning cutely as she wipes her baby curls from her face.

"Eomma....can appa carry me home..?" I go to her, picking her up bridal style and walking back to Jimin.

"I hope everything goes the way you want it to." And with that said, I left. Walking over to tae and she grabs the small bundle of innocence in his muscular arms, kissing me lovingly before heading home.

And Jimin watched the whole thing, reflecting on what his life would have been like if he hadn't been so needy that night. But, he made a mistake, he faces the consequences.

Those consequences...may lead to other things....

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐓 | 𝐏.𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now