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{I'm writing this while eating a lollipop haha \0_0/}


Watching three boys pick on such a small human being for nothing is honestly pathetic. I on the other hand decide to do something, not even having to push the people to make a path ,as they crawl away like little rats.

'' You have 5 seconds to let the girl go.'' I don't even bother to raise my voice, as I continue to suck on my bubblegum lollipop.
''Or what, you gonna kiss us, hotshot?''
I scoff as I step forward, they don't even move.

''I would rather be shot than poisoned.'' They stand in shock, dumbfounded as what to say back.
The small red head looked up, scared written all over her face.

''Hey! We weren't done talking!'' I help the small girl up as I let them shout, blocking out everything but the small innocence in front of me.
Once she dusted herself off, she hugged me tightly and whispered 'thank you' as she silently cried.

Bruises and cuts on her face from the boys behind me, that only triggered me further.
What are you doing, Hyuna? You don't even know the girl.

I turned around, grabbing the boys by the neck, bringing them so close to my face I could taste the fear from their tongues.
Too right, bitches.

I faced the brown haired one first.
''Huh, where are we, court?'' I rolled my eyes smiling sarcastically.
''I said name!''
''J-Jackson!'' I cocked my eyebrow up at the name.

''Funny, you don't seem like a dickhead from afar. Shame really..'' and I let him go, dropping to his feet before running into the building.
''And as for you?''

''Suga. The names suga.''
Ahhh, he was with Jimin.
''Hmm, okay. Just a warning, sugar..''
''It's suga.'' He said threw his teeth, causing me to laugh slightly.
''Yeah, sugar, stay away from her from now on, hmm?'' He cocked his head to the left, scrunching his eyebrows as he stares me down.
''Or what..?''
''Or I'll hit you so hard you can taste my rings through your cheek.''

And when he doesn't move, challenging me, i remove the lollipop from my cheeks and grab his jaw, bringing his face close to mine. The pressure i held on him wasnt enough to hurt but was enough to keep him in place, holding eye contact as he dazes into my expression.

"I'll give you one last chance, because youre so pretty."

And I shove my lolly in his mouth to stop him from complaining further, letting him go straight after.
I decide against going back to the girl, heading straight for my next class.

''Hey! How can I repay you?''
I stop walking, thinking to myself as she patiently waits.
''Hmm, bubblegum lollipops.''

I walked into first period, listening to music as I find my desk.
I see the guy from yesterday, along with Jimin and namjoon.
So I was right, then. He is in that group.
He shoots me a nasty glare, in which I return with a mocking smile and a wink.

''Damn, Jimin. No wonder you've been living with jungkook for the past 3 days. I can hardly compose myself just from seeing the back of her head.'' The silver haired man says as he gazes at you.

''She's feisty, I'll give her that. And she knows how to have a good grip on things. And stunning. Wow, that's three in a row.'' Suga says, almost speaking to himself, he slumps back in his chair as he starts to drink his coffee.

''Jimin, you haven't spoken since she walked in, you okay?''
But when his friends looked at him, he was devouring whatever girl that day wanted a taste of Park Jimin.

Both suga and namjoon knew that something was wrong, as although Jimin tends to fuck around, he prefers to do his thing privately. That's always been his method, and kissing some random girl in class is almost impossible for him. PDA is traumatic.

They notice Jimin isn't looking at the girl, though, he's looking at you.
Almost with anger, or was it fear?


''Almost forgot you lived here.'' My voice was barley even acknowledged as prince arrogant walked straight past me.

Who decided to refuse his booty call?

''You know, you can't ignore me forever.''
''I can ignore you for a pleasurable amount of time. I'd rather that than nothing.'' He replied, a hint of irritation tracing his words as he spoke, I choose to ignore him, and I shake my head, walking back into my room to change.

15 minutes later

Lounging on my bed, I wondered why Jimin was actually ignoring me.
Maybe I annoyed him?
But I haven't spoke to him much.
Maybe because you flirted with two of his friends?
They needed to be put in their place. And besides, when is he not screwing a girl?
Hmm. Touché.

My thoughts are interrupted as My phone pings, I pick it up and flinch at the sudden brightness.

Lisa: message at 4:56pm.
Girl get your ass fabulous and hot.
Hyuna: message at 4:56pm.
Y? I'm tired Lisa.
Lisa: message at 4:58pm.
We're going to namjoons party.

Wait...if it's namjoons party...then jimin will be there...?

Hyuna: message at 5pm.
Give me half an hour.
Lisa: message at 5:01pm

As you get ready you don't even notice that Jimin had already left.

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