Stay for dinner

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''Jimin, I'm going out of town for a few days'' I murmur as I walk past him, holding a fairly big bag with clothes in it.

''W-why? What's happened?'' I stop in my tracks, turning to face him.
''Nothing, I'm just visiting my mother before she travels to England.'' He nods, putting his cup in the sink.

''I'll drive you.'' He didn't even look at me, walking down to his room.
''No no! It's okay I'll just get the train!'' I shout, running after him. I ran into his bedroom, tackling him onto the bed before he could get in the shower.

''I can just go by train, Jimin...'' he looks up from my lips, extremely flustered, and slowly shakes his head with a grin.
''Either you like being on top of me, or your just a very clumsy person.'' He musters, biting his lip.

Don't do that.

''What if it's both?'' I whisper, unconsciously inching closer to his face.
''Please...hyuna...let me take you..?'' We are now only a centimetre apart, and I can feel his lips graze against mine as he speaks.
Why is he so goddamn intimidating.

''F-fine..'' I hop off of him, running out the bedroom as fast as I could. Jimin chuckles at me, walking into the bathroom to shower.

15 minutes later~

''Okay, lets go.'' I get up, grabbing my bag and swinging it over my body.
''Where too, then?'' He says, and I look down as I smile to myself.

Why am I happy that I get to spend time with him...
Don't do this now, hyuna. Come on. Remember who you are.
''Just outside of town. It's not hard to miss.'' He nods, getting into the car, and I follow him.
Opening and closing my eyes, I focus on the moving trees. What the..? Ohhhhhh right.. I'm in a car..
I look to the drivers seat, and Jimin focuses on the road in front of him as I admire his features.

''Staring is rude, you know.'' He blurts out, making my eyes widen, and I face back to the window.
''We're here.'' He comes to a stop, right outside my house.

''Thank you for doing this, jiminie.'' I smile, and he leans very close to my face, making my heart beat quicken extremely fast.
I hear a click from beside me, and the belt unravels from my body.

He was just being nice.
Stop being so...stupid.
But he doesn't move. His face even closer than before, and I could feel his breath hit my lips every time his chest relaxed. 

''Oh my god your really here!'' We shoot away from eachother, turning to face the front.
My mother stands in front of the car, waving as if I couldn't see her.

I get out the car, smiling as I go to hug her. She lifts me up, smothering my face with kisses.
''Oh darling I've missed you sooooooo much!'' I smile at how happy she is, telling her I've missed her too.

''Hunny your so beautiful! My daughter has grown so much!'' I chuckle, giving her another hug.
''Ah! Who's this darling? A boyfriend?'' I follow her gaze, leading to Jimin, who's holding my bag. I shake my head, smiling sadly.
''No, mother. He's just a friend.''

''I'll be going, it's already dark. Lovely meeting you Ms.kwon.'' He simply says, handing me my bag.
''Oh don't be silly! I may be ageing but I'm not stupid enough to let such a handsome young man drive out like this!'' Both mine and Jimins jaws drop, looking at my mother as if she just said something unbelievable.

Well..she sorta did.

''No no no no no! Mother he's fine!'' I say, and Jimin just stands there, still a bit shocked.
''No! I insist. Now what's your name?''
''J-Jimin...park Jimin, ms.kwon.''
My mother nods, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and walking him in.

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