6 months

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3 years later~
Music is my only way of escaping reality.
Earphones being my bestfriend now.
I lie down underneath the stairs on the field, the sun rays flashing through the gaps of the steps, creating shadows on my face.

I tap my fingers on my stomach to the beat, along with bopping my feet along too.
The sun suddenly disappears, and seconds later I feel familiar lips softly pressed against mine, smiling sweetly at the kiss.

I open my eyes, a beautiful face before me.
''Hey, jiminie.'' I say, turning off my music.
''Hello, jagiya. Do you feel like walking?'' He says, putting me on his lap.

''Hmm? What's in your mind?'' I stroke his hair back, and he closes his eyes to focus on my touch.
''Nothing, I just wanna spend time with you before you go.'' He says sadly, resting his head on my boobs.

''I'm gonna miss these.'' He mumbles, making us both laugh as he sulks while playing with my bra straps, moving the lace to its original position.

''Do you have to go..?'' He whines, playing with the necklace he gave me for my birthday.
A gold chain, with a gold butterfly hanging from it, an emerald green diamond in the middle, symbolising my eyes.

''I do, jiminie. But I'll only be gone 6 months. I need this job.'' I try to sooth him, stroking his muscles as he wraps his arms tightly around me.

''I just can't get enough of you.'' He muffles, speaking into my neck as he kisses it softly. I giggle, bringing his face aline with my own, cupping his cheeks with my hands.

''Don't forget me, will you?'' I whisper, swallowing the lump in my throat as I blink back my tears.
''Like I would do that.'' He smiles reassuringly, and I return the smile.
''I love you, jagiya. Remember that.''
''I love you too.''

I cuddle up to his chest as we wait for my plane, my heart beating at an accelerated pace.
''Baby you need to calm down.'' Jimin says, watching as my hands shake.

I laugh it off, drinking the rest of my coffee.
''Plane 41 will be boarding in 5 minutes'' the flight attendants voice radiates through my ears, making me shiver.

''It's time to go, my love.'' I look up at Jimin, and his eyes plead for me to stay.
''So it's really happening. You're leaving me.'' I get up, wrapping my hands around the handles of my suitcases.

''For the last time, it's only 6 months.'' I remind him, checking the time on my phone. He rolls his eyes at me, grabbing my face.
''That's 6 months too many.'' He states, making us both smile.

''Kiss me please, jagi. Before you go.'' I instantly press my lips against his, and he responds immediately, moving his lips along with mine, making me sigh. He stops for a second, biting my bottom lip and pulling it, making me let out a soft moan.

''Y-yah..'' I say, blushing immensely.
"I see what you did there. But making me all hot and aroused isn't gonna stop me.'' He huffs as I catch him out, rolling his eyes and kissing me softly one last time.

''See you in 6 months jagiya. I love you.''
''I love you too.''

1st month~
''5 months to go, jagiya. I can't wait to see you.''

2nd month~
''It's going a lot slower than I hoped, jagi. I miss you so much.''

3rd month~
''Can I come see you? I'm dying over here baby. I love you.''

4th month~
''2 months left baby! Are you excited to see me? I'm excited to see you.''

5th month~
''30 days to go, jagiya. It's been so painful without you. The boys miss you too. And Sana of course.''

6th month~
''I'll see you in an hour baby.''

I come off the plane, letting go of my luggage and checking my phone for any messages off Jimin.
I look up from my screen, spotting him a few feet away from me.

I sigh with happiness, running up to him as fast as I can.
Without a warning, I jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and burying my face in his neck, kissing it happily, all the way up to his face.

''Jimin! I'm home!'' He laughs at my cuteness, kissing me on the lips once I was calm.
''You've dyed your hair, jagiya. I love it.'' He plays with my hair, staring at me deeply. God I missed this boy.

''I missed you so much hyuna. You don't understand. Your never leaving me again.'' He says as he pulls me tighter, his body pressed fully against mine.

''Let's go home, shall we?'' He says, putting me down and grabbing my luggage in one hand, intertwining the other with mine as he strokes it with his thumb gently as we walked.

Home sweet home- I thought as I watched the man I loved so much kiss my hand with affection, smiling at me with his beautiful lips.

Authors note:
Sorry this one was short. Honestly have no idea what to write for this one but I have a good idea for the next few chapters. There won't be many chapters left, but i promise to make them as best I can.
Smile for me,
Im outtttttttt!

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