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Xiennah's POV

We became awkward since then. He was always avoiding me, making up some excuses all the time. It's been a week now and I really do miss him a lot. His mother returned to States for some business reasons. It was Friday morning and I was walking along the hallway for my first period class when I met Chole with a bitch clinging to him like a leech. I walked towards him. "Hey Chole, we need to talk now," I said. He just looked at me, then walked passed me. I felt hurt but I concealed it. I used getting hurt all the time so what's the difference this time, right? I grabbed his arm, causing him to stop. "What do you want?" He asked coldly. "I want you," I said staring at him. "What the heck?!" he said frowning. "Hey, you bitch. He doesn't want to talk to you so get lost," the girl said and pulled him away. But I stopped them right on their track. "No, you get lost Bitch!" I shouted. The girl looked surprised. She looks unfamiliar. Maybe she was a transferee, that's why she doesn't have any idea of how big of a bitch I am. She challenged a wrong girl. I looked at her from head to toe. She tilted her chin up as if trying to look brave but failing miserably. "You don't know me bitch, so back off!" I shouted. Chole hugged her protectively making her smirk at me. "Do I have to know your name? As if I care!" she said smirking. That's it! I've had enough! I grabbed her from him suddenly, surprising them both. I slapped her face hard. I saw fear in her ugly face, causing me to smirk at her. She stepped back; I showed her my dirty middle finger before she ran away from me. "What did you just do?!" he shouted. I was shocked by his sudden outburst. He grabbed my hand and pushed me against the walls. He looked so mad. He closed his eyes and breathed hard as if controlling his anger. "I'm sorry, okay," I said trying so hard not to cry. I wasn't afraid of him but I never seen him like this. I felt torn seeing him this way. I love him. "Why did you do that?" he asked calmer now. "Why did I do that?! Seriously you're asking me that?!" I said biting my lip so as not to cry. He frowned obviously looking so confuse. "Chole, why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" I asked on the brink of tears, but still I'll not cry in front of him. Never! "I- I don't know," he said looking down. I frowned. I don't get him. "I'm sorry, Xiennah. I'm confused right now. I need time to think," he left me before I could even say a word.

It was our first class in the morning and our professor just arrived. I looked at my seatmate who we're so busy with his phone. I sighed. Chole and I we're still seatmate but it were as if we we're miles apart. I poked his side, causing me a glare from him. I smiled shyly. No matter what happen, I'll do everything to revive our friendship. I took a piece of paper and wrote the word "sorry" and gave it to him when our professor suddenly shouted. "Xiennah and Chole, if you'll just flirt during class, better leave!" "Now you've done it!" Chole said softly but with emphasis. I knew I make him angry again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," I said softly. "Sir, we didn't do anything wrong!" I complained. "Shut it Vasco!" our professor already used my last name, meaning he was now really mad. "But sir, Chole didn't do anything wrong!" "I said shut it. Now the both of you leave," he said pointing at the door. Chole was now packing his things. "It's your entire fault," I heard him murmuring. I don't want Chole to get angrier with me so I reasoned out farther. "But sir, he doesn't have anything to do with it. It's my entire fault!" I said emphasizing my point. "That's it! Detention, the both you!" he shouted. "What?!" I was surprised. It was no fair! "Shut it Xiennah. You're not helping," Chole said leaving me behind.

The detention room was small with no any design whatsoever. It doesn't have any furniture nor chairs. The ceiling and walls both were painted with white and the floor was tiled with white marbles. So literally, everything inside is white. The room was only purposely built for detentions. Our professor said that we would be locked up inside for an hour. He sat in the farthest corner obviously avoiding me. Tell me I'm totally desperate but I don't care. I have to fix this. I moved closer to him but he transferred to another corner without saying any word. So I walked toward him again but he transferred in yet another place. Every time I went to him, he would then move to the opposite corner as quickly as possible. He showed his poker face which was so unusual for him since we we're so close. He's not like this before. He never treated me this cold. I was so annoyed that I shouted. "Chole, stop it! You're too annoying!" I looked at him and he didn't even flinch. I ran and hugged me so suddenly that he didn't get any chance to react or avoid me. I hugged him from behind. He tried to remove my hands off him but I hugged him tighter. "Don't touch me," he said coldly. "No Chole! Tell me what's wrong! Don't do this, please" I begged softly. "I don't have to tell you anything. I don't get it why you're acting so clingy when in fact you're just my acquaintance. You don't have anything to do with me. You're just nothing and you're never been my concern from the start. You're just someone I happened to be with before, so never bother me. If you still have any self pride, then please don't do this to yourself. You looked too desperate and I pity you. Next time, don't let yourself get attached too much and never ever gave meaning to everything because who knows, maybe it was just nothing for that person but you just gave meaning to something meaningless," he said coldy. It was too much. I cried silently while still hugging him from behind. I tried to steady myself so that he wouldn't find out that I'm already crying. I tried to steady my voice as tears kept on flowing. "I don't care if I'm just nothing to you Chole. You see, you're quite right when you say that I'm desperate. So be ready with my clingy bitchy side Chole. No matter what happen, I'll never ever let you go." I still have so many things to say but I decided to keep quiet since I knew that I'll no longer contain my shaking voice. He tried to look at me but I hugged him tighter. I don't want him to see a weak Xiennah. I'm strong and I'll remain strong in front of him even if the truth was it was the exact opposite. Chole, I'm sorry for not letting you go. I love you and I'll do everything to fight for you no matter the consequences. But for the meantime, I couldn't tell you because your mother would eventually find out and she'll do something to separate us. We remained like this for who knows how long until we heard someone purposely coughed behind us. We saw our professor standing on the door, eyebrow raised. "I think I was wrong putting you both together in a detention room. You're too PDA for your age. But anyways Xiennah and Cole, the both of you will be partners in reporting about the Rules of Pythagorean Theorem via power point presentation to be presented next week. "What?!" The both of us were surprised. To be honest, I was so happy when I learned about it but Chole looked the other way around. "Sir, can't I look for other partner? I don't want to be paired up with her. She's annoying," he complained. "No sir, it's alright. I want to be paired up with him," I said making him glare at me. "What are you doing?!" he grabbed my hands, glaring back. I looked at him and smiled. "I don't want to give our teacher the burden to look for our respective partners when we can just have each other, right sir?" I said showing my sweetest smile. But our professor just raised his eyebrow. "I don't care what you two are up to but you don't have any choice. Agree or fail my subject. You choose," he said then left. "I guess two birds in one stone," I said more to myself. "Huh?" he stared at me confused. "I mean we can help one another do our report and then we can proceed to our unfinished business awhile ago. We can settle everything once and for all," I said smirking at him. "Whatever," he said then left.

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