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Xiennah's POV

Arghhh! He's so stupid! I wouldn't be here in the first place if only he didn't force me to go with him! He's always making my life a big mess! I hate him! It's been hours already and my feet were already too sore but still we couldn't find the road. I'm afraid and I badly wanted to freak out now but I forced myself to calm down. Worst, I'm wearing a stiletto but I took it off. Of course I wore one since my original plan was to go to the bar and wearing stiletto is a job requirement. I would get fired if I wouldn't. But now, I doubt if my boss would still accept me since I've been absent these days. Yeah, I've been depressed lately. Too depressed that I preferred myself be locked up inside my room, sleeping. Yes, I just slept for hours, since I could temporarily forget everything and that includes my feelings for him too. But now I couldn't help but think of him. If Chole was just here, everything wouldn't be this messed up. Maybe he would comfort me like he used to. Yes, I still remember his soothing words every time I had problems. He would cuddle me, giving me assurances that everything will be okay. And I believed him. Because for me, everything will just be okay as long as he's with me. As long as he's around, everything will be fine. But he left me... He left me with his stupid twin brother! I secretly took a glimpse of him. He looked worried too but he's always just a step behind me. He's obviously studying our surrounding, as if familiarizing the place bit by bit. Stupid!

We walked for hours but finding the road was near to impossible. We also decided to return to that hill but failed. We were amidst a huge forest and we have no single idea whether to turn left or right, move back or forward. We lost sense of direction. And yes, I blamed everything on him! It was his entire fault! Stupid Ashe! "Xiennah, I think we have to stop right here. I felt that the more we try, the farther were getting away from the right path. Besides, we have to save our energy. We haven't eaten and I'm fully aware that you're so exhausted right now," he told me gently. He held my hand but I pushed him away. "It's your fault! If you didn't insist in bringing me here, these shits won't happen! I hate you!" "But I need to do this. I couldn't stand another day thinking of all the possible reasons why you suddenly became so cold towards me. I don't have a single idea!" "I don't want to talk about that shits right now. Or better yet, we have nothing to talk to." I continued walking faster but he kept on following me. "Wait Xiennah!" If only my feet were not this sore, I would've run. But I couldn't. He kept on explaining his side which by the way I don't give a damn. I don't care at all! It's been half an hour, but it felt like days. I'm already too irritated that he wouldn't shut up! I already made it clear to him that I don't care and I never will but he kept on talking! Gosh! Everything was getting worse... And suddenly it rained. Shit!

"Xiennah!" "Don't touch me idiot! I don't need your help!" I walked faster in spite of the heavy rain until I accidentally tripped and got a sprained. "Xiennah, are you okay?" He saw me tripped but he would still ask me if I'm fine?! Seriously?! I tried to stand but couldn't. I tried harder but my ankle started to ache more. "I guess you have no choice then..." He smirked. I so badly wanted to slap that smirk off his face! Jackass! He carried me on his back. He walked faster until we saw a cave nearby. We went inside. He gently put me down as he gathered some twigs and dried leaves inside the cave. And he made a small bonfire. I stared at him as he took out a lighter. "Uhm... I smoke," he said shyly. "Tsk! Chole's indeed a lot better than you. He never smokes," I smirked. But I was surprised that I saw a glimpse of hurt in his eyes before it was replaced by a smile. "I can stop smoking if that's what you want," he said sitting down. "Don't give me that bullshits. You can smoke yourself to death, I don't care," I said raising my eyebrow. He smiled sadly while staring at me. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll always remind myself that," he said. Guilt consumed me all of a sudden but my pride and anger were a lot stronger. "You better." I moved nearer towards the bonfire. I felt so cold. The fire wasn't enough for me to feel warmth. Worst, my school uniform was soaking wet. "You can take it off... I mean your uniform," he said blushing while looking away. "Pervert!" I threw a rock at him but sadly I missed! "You got it wrong. I mean your school uniform is soaking wet! You might catch a cold if you'll not take it off. I'll not peep, I promised!" "I don't trust you," I said as I sneezed out of the blue. "See! I told you." He said smirking as if he just made a point. "No way! I'll rather die that strip in front of a pervert maniac like you!" "Why do you hate me so much? I thought we were doing okay. Why the sudden change? Was it because of the scandal?" He asked, concerned all evident on his handsome face. Before, I could see Chole in him. They're identical after all. The only differences were the color of their eyes and hair, and the rest of their physical appearance were exactly the same. But now... I could see him as Ashe. I don't know... Maybe because I've spent a long time with them both that I could now see the difference, I'm not talking about their physical appearance by the way. It's something else... entirely... "Xiennah?" Maybe confronting him was the right thing to do. "Yes, I blamed you for the scandal. I lost Chole because of you. I hate you!" He looked surprised. "You blamed me? Why?" "Don't play dumb at me!" I snapped. "You thought I was the one who leaked our photos?! Are you insane? Why would I do that?!" He looked confused. "Yeah, why would you do that?! What was your motive?! Was it because I'm not answering your phone calls?" "Wait! So you just admitted it. You purposely not answering my calls. Were you with him the entire time that I was calling you over and over out of worry?! I thought something bad happened to you! You were absent for two damn days and I don't have a single damn idea! Tsk! I worried for nothing." He was angry. He breathed in and out obviously trying to calm himself. "Don't act as if you're my boyfriend coz you're not. Besides, don't change the topic. It's not about me hanging with Chole. It's about you leaking those damn photos! If only I could turn back the time, I'd rather not met you ever!" I shouted. "Yeah, I guess you might say that," he stared at me sadly. "I'm sorry you met me. And I'm sorry that if ever I can change the past, I'll still want to meet you." "Whatever!" "But Xiennah... I swear I never leaked those photos. Haven't you ever thought that those photos would also ruin my dad's reputation? My dad would surely kill me if ever he found out about this. Besides, what would I get in doing such non sense?" "You said you love me but I rejected you because I love your brother. You purposely leaked those photos so that we would break apart and Chole would hate me. And you thought that once he leaves me, you would finally have a chance in me. But damn you're too obsessed!" I shouted. He looked stunned for a minute before he burst into laughter. "I never thought you're so egotistic!" He said between pits of laughter. "If I'm too obsessed like you claimed me to be, I would've courted you. I would've find ways for you to like me. I wouldn't have permitted you to see him. But I did, right? I just stopped you lately because he'd been a total jerk and you're becoming too obsessed to the point that you're stalking him. You thought I would never know? Well, surprised! I have connections, Xiennah." He looked serious and I suddenly felt humiliated. "I'm not obsessed with you and I never did," he confessed trying to control his laughter. I felt my blood climbed up my face as I felt more humiliated. "So when I say I never leaked our photos, please believe me. That night we made love, was just a mistake. I mean I enjoyed it, but it had been unfair in your part since you thought I was him that time. You have no idea and I took advantage of your naivety. I asked forgiveness before right? I was sincerely apologizing that time." He stared at me seriously. My intuition was telling me that he wasn't lying. So all my tantrums before were all put into waste? If he's not the culprit, then who? "But Xiennah, I would solve this issue. I would definitely find that bastard and made him pay for what he did. Even if in case the culprit was a she, I would still make her pay. I don't care if she's a girl, I would make sure that they'll pay greatly. They made you suffer after all." He looked dead serious. "So, are we back to being friends?" He asked again smiling. But I couldn't think straight. I felt so cold already that my jaw was literally shaking. My head ache was also getting worse. I felt dizzy. "Xiennah? Are you okay? Xiennah!" I could hear him but my vision was getting blurry. "I'm sorry Xiennah, but I have to do this," he said. I felt him undressing me. "No, Ashe... Please no..." But he kept on removing my clothing. I was so weak and I couldn't fight him. I remembered what Rinse did to me and it made me cry harder. Not Ashe, he's been a friend to me. I couldn't bear to lose another friend again. I cried and cried before everything turned dim.

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