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Peridot POV.

This is not how I imagined myself spending a Friday night. The party was one thing, but of course I had to take it this far.

I was standing on the edge of a cliff, while a crowd of drunk highschool seniors chanted:

"Jump! Jump! Jump!"

Everything was ringing, my head pounding as i took another step. The jump was probably at least 50 to 80 feet, and that was just my estimate. The water at the bottom was clean, I had checked, but this late at night, you couldn't see much from this far away.

All because of a dare. If I jumped, everyone at the party promised to hand me a 5 dollar bill on Monday. There was at least 60 people at this party, and I really needed cash.

But why? Why did I agree to jump off a fucking cliff which could end in serious injury? Was it the buzz I still had? Fear of looking like a pussy? The money?

Probably all of that combined.

I was shaking, and I closed my eyes. Fuck it. If I died, I wouldn't be missed. And if I lived, I had a great deal of cash waiting for me. I heard a yell that was louder than the rest.

Amythest, Probably. She dared me, and everyone else had joined in.

Because no one, in the history of this ridiculously small town, had ever survived this jump. And after three collage kids from BCU died trying, no one dared do it again.

But hey, I'm half drunk with nothing to live for.

I took one last deep breath, looking back for a second and smiling, the cheers grew louder and I turned back.

I jumped.


The water was freezing. I had curled into a ballish shape, and though I tried to use my knees, aerial turning is hard. So instead I landed on my side, the slapping sound followed by the rush of water.

I shivered.

But I was alive. I opened my eyes. The moon shone down into the small cove where the lake/pond was located. I tried to swim up, but something touched my leg.

I whipped around, but the water below me was dark. I swam upwards panicking, maybe there was some creature after me.

I reached the surface, breathing heavily, I saw toward a small shore to my left, as fast as i could. I felt the water shift beside me, but I didn't care. I swam faster, trying to put distance between me and whatever was in the water.

I crawled up onto the hard, gravelly sand, and turned.i could see small ripples in the water, but noting moved after that, so I breathed a heavy sigh and stood up.

I smiled. I did it. I survived. But...

What was in the water with me? I stood, looking around. I had to get back up there. But... I could see no exit in sight.

I suddenly started panicking. I survived the jump... I couldn't die right on the edge of this stupid mass of water! I looked around more, seeing a second beach.

I had to go through a cave to get there, which ran right under a waterfall. No big deal, I was already wet.

I scooched through the cave, getting to the other peice of solid ground, but I couldn't see an exit there either.

I was trapped. I was going to die known as the girl who took the dare to jump and was never seen again.

Like anyone would care.

I scooted back against a rock. I shivered, I was still cold, and my clothes were soaked through. I breathed deeply, taking in the crisp, cold night air. I had to give the cove SOME credit. It was Gorgeus here. And the air was surprisingly fresh.

But something bothered me. Other than, of course, the thought of me dying. The thing in the water... I was close enough to grab me, gobble me up for dinner and laugh at my stupid drunk ass.

But... it let me go?

I looked up, watching the moon. I wondered how long I'd been down here. It didn't feel like long, but my mind oftened wondered for a long time. An hour could pass and I'd think I'd been sitting for a minute.

My mother often complained, but lately she hadn't cared to. No, she didn't care at all. I wondered if she ever had. The more I looked back, she never seemed interested in me. Not even when I told her I was going to graduate with highest honors, top of the school.

I stayed in track like she wanted, I kept all A's to impress her, I refused drug offer after drug offer, never had a boyfriend, never got in trouble...

But it didn't matter. None of it mattered. No matter how good I was she didn't care. And now I was sitting here, waiting for death, and crying.

Because I wasted the last four years of my life trying to impress a woman who didn't care.

I hugged my knees, setting my forehead on them. More tears ran down my face, but I stayed silent.

It was quiet, nothing but the light lapping of the small pond waves and the occasional bird call. I had relaxed, almost asleep, when I felt something warm on my leg. I jumped, falling to one side, and quickly turning.

A man stood there. Or... rather crouched there. He had his head tilted, his hand out. He had touched my leg and frozen in that position.

I didn't care who he was, however, I jumped up at another human being down here. "H-hello! How... how did you get down here? Do you know a way out? I'm kinda stuck... I don't wanna die here!" He smiled in amusement and stood. The top of my head barely reached his nose height.

He stepped forward, and suddenly his eyes glowed. He layed a gentle hand on my shoulder, and suddenly I felt weak. I couldn't look away from his eyes, the brilliant shining... glowing... blue....

I felt myself start to breathe slower. I felt tired... I started to lean but his hand held me up. He stepped even closer, lifting my head up to look at him. His smile had faded to a smaller size. A small, relaxed grin.

I shivered when he spoke.

"You're safe now." He moved the hand he had on my shoulder up and petted my hair,  and I shivered again. "So... cold..." before I knew what was happening, he picked me up bridle style, and tucked my head into his neck.

I didn't know where he was taking me, but I didn't even think. I couldnt. I felt so calm... so relaxed. The warmth from his body was so comforting, I didn't even mind. I wrapped my arms around his neck,  slightly hugging him. He gave a small chuckle.

I felt my eyes flicker, and they closed. He kept carrying me, but I fell asleep before we reached the destination. Somehow though, just before I did, he whispered in my ear.

"I'll take care of you."

Deep Blue (Lapidot human/Genderswap SU Fancfic)Where stories live. Discover now