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Peridot POV

After 20 minutes of lapis paranoidingly checking the windows, Emil calling amythest over, and me sitting bored on the couch, we all sat in the living room.

Amythest was leaned against the door frame nearest me, about 2 feet away to my right. Lapis was in the chair furthest from the window, to the left of me. And my brother sat on the couch across from mine.

"So... what else is there?" I looked at him, curios and frankly kindof excited to know what was going on.

"Well I think a good place to start, is to say that... umm... amythest?" He smiled nervously. Amythest sighed and sat down next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"To start, I'm a werewolf. Full blood, unlike lapis." She leaned to look at him. "No offense."

"So the party... you were trying to keep me safe..." I looked down. "I-im sorry I didn't listen..."

she sighed and shrugged. "At least you're alive. And intact, might I add." She smiled a bit then leaned back.

I looked back up to Emil. "Anyone else I know?" He shook his head. "No, not that I know."

Lapis finally seemed to calm down, and sat up a bit. Emil smiled at me.

"What did lapis tell you? Just so I don't tell you what you already know?"

"Mostly just about what he is. Half werewolf, half... unknown? And his energy... ability... thing." I looked over at him, and was a bit confused because he was playing with his thumbs.

"Then you know it's not JUST werewolves. The uh... party, was a sort of gathering for them. Werewolves, vampires, a few demons..." he trailed off, then looked up.

"It's a bigger world then most people realize. And I wanted to keep you away from it. That's why I told you to never go to the cove, and to not go near lapis."

I nodded. "I... I get that now." I turned to amythest. "But you knew? For how long?"

Amythest sat forward a bit. "My parents didn't tell me until I was 14. And they preferred me to stay out of it too." She smiled a bit. "I figured you would freak out if you found out..." she glanced at Emil.

I turned back to him too, finding him scratching his neck. "There are werewolf packs, 3 small ones around here. Then the vampires ussaully just mind their own business... pixies and demons and other creatures are more rare. I'll say humans are about 70% accurate when it comes to what creatures do and do not exist."

He laughed a bit. "Like the loch Ness monster. That's not real. What's another one..."

"What about mothman?" I asked curiosly.

"Oh well, he was just a hybrid. Half pixie half something else... I don't really remember. He was real, though."

Lapis shifted. "Emil...youre getting off topic." He gave a serious glare to my brother, and I shot him a questioning look.

"So... lapis told you all this?" I turned back, blinking a few times. "You seem to know so much."

"No...actually. I know so much because..." he sighed, Pausing. "Because of... because of dad." He looked at me. "Dad traveled a bunch before even I was born... And he learned alot from his family too."

"Dad..." i looked down. I felt my eyes well up slightly but I blinked it away. When I was five, he dissapeared.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up, expecting to be Emil, but it was lapis. He gave Emil a serious look.

"So you two have the same father?" Emil's eyes flashed with something and he stood.

"Yes, lapis. That's why I never told her. Besides... there's a cha-"

"Chance that she isn't like you? You know the odds of that are low." I was confused, but i felt amythest tense up beside me.

"Lapis don't do this..." Emil and lapis were just staring at eachother, and I looked between them confused, before narrowing my eyes.

"So you guys are keeping more from me? Emil..." I looked at him helplessly. "What is he talking about?"

Emil let his shoulders sag. "Because dad... dad was one. He was a werewolf, peridot."

My eyes widened and I stood, looking straight at him. "So you're... And im..." I lifted my hands, looking at them.

Emil walked around the table, grabbing them. "You've shown no sigh of being one. That's another reason I didn't tell you. I hoped that..." he paused again. "I didn't want you to be a werewolf. It can be a burden. I didn't want that for you."

I looked up at him again. "I..." I felt frozen. "But... but I could be?"

He sighed. "It's possible... Half breeds have the tendancy to not transform tell well after the normal age.... but at this point..."

"I'm almost 18. What's the normal age?" I grew more serious." Emil paused, letting my hands go finally.

"14-16. But It varies. I first transformed when I was 13. You were still so young, i doubt you remember almost seeing. And ive seen werewolves as young as six be trained to do it by their parents. Willingly."

I just blinked. "Is... is that why dad dissapeared? Because..." I felt myself choke slightly on my words.

"He... it's hard to explain. But... yes. Because he was a werewolf he had to go. And... And he never came back." Emil's eyes watered, but he breathed in.

"I didn't want this for you. All this worry." He rubbed his forehead. "And I got called back to school early... god this is a mess."

"Back to school? I thought you had another week..."

"I have to leave tomarrow. I got the call while I was searching for you. The director called me back personally to work on a huge school project..." he looked back up at me. "But now all this... I couldn't just leave. You unprotected with Nix and the other packs after you..."

"Wait so are we a pack? Or in one?" All this did seem pretty complicated.

"Yes. But we stay a bit more separate. We techniccly identify as the East Pack."

"Me and amythest could watch her. Just so they don't get her" lapis suddenly added, and I looked at him. He was serious, and I could se his arms twitching as if he were ready to fight for me again.

The thought gave me a strange feeling... Emil crossed his arms. "I... are you sure, lapis?" He looked up.

Lapis nodded. "I've had practice saving her. I think I can cover it." He gave a cute smile and I huffed, turning away with a bit of blush on my face.

Emil sighed, looking at me for a second. "I guess that's better than leaving her alone or dropping out..."



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