Names And Faces

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here you go ^-^]

Peridot POV.

I was laying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I don't know why I didn't just leave, but I kept telling myself I kindof owed my life to the guy.

My drunken stupidity had come back over the last hour, and I smiled, Cringed, and hated myself for d iffrent parts.

Accepting the bet was probably peer pressure, going to the cliff was to prove something, and jumping was because I felt I had nothing.

Which wasn't entirely true.

Though my mother was a bitch, and I could care less what she thought anymore, my brother was a whole other story. He was a good 5 years older than me, and had moved out long ago.

Ever since then my life had been a nightmare. Sometimes he would stop by at lunch, or send me a random text, and he even came down and took me out for my birthday.

How could I forget the best person in my life? How could I wish for death so suddenly and not care about him?

I felt a few tears well up and I sighed. I wiped them and sat back up, tensing and relaxing my toes.

I hope the kids at the party would keep their word, but you never know with high schoolers. But if I'm really honest, I don't really care. I'm glad I didn't die.

And that's why I'm sitting in a room, in some strangers cabin, waiting for him to get home.

I kept replaying him saving me in my mind, and though strange, he had seemed.... nice... he had carried me here, and had the decency to leave me completely alone, not even making it awkward and changing my clothes.

The clothes he had left me were a little loose, but surprisingly stretchy. And I had to admit, they were REALLY comphy.

I heard a sudden door, and assuming it was him, I looked up at the door to the room. Light footsteps grew louder and closer, and I heard a small knock.

I froze. Do i... "you... you can come in.. " I felt my heart racing. What is this?

He stepped in, wearing a dark blue and black hoodie, and jeans. He looked at me for a second. "You... you okay?" He didn't seem nervous, in fact he had a blank expression, and he was looking me in the eyes.

"I... I think so? I... uhh... I'm sorry for the trouble..."

"It was a very dumb thing to do, jumping in the cove. People have died there" he sighed. "I'm glad I got you out in time."

I tilted my head at him, then realized he meant before I froze to death down there. "Yeah... me too... im... i was, heh... really drunk... i got dared to... i feel like an idiot..." i wiped the side of my face with my hand, looking back at him.

He suddenly moved closer to me. "I was just worried you wouldn't make it." I felt a small shiver go up my spine. I remembered how his eyes had seemed to glow when he had saved me.

They were back to normal now, but they were still a blue. Deep Blue.

A small smiled appeared on his face. "Im..." he seemed to pause, and his eyes looked like he was in thought. He shook his then then looked back at me. "I'm L."

I was puzzled by his strange action, but I gave a small smile back. "Im... I'm peridot. Peridot Diland. And... thanks again... for saving my stupid drunk ass." I laughed a bit and he tilted his head.

"Are you hungry? I can make you breakfast or something." I was about to say no, but I hadn't eaten anything since the previous morning, and a light growl from my stomach answered for me.

I blushed a bit and he laughed.

"I'll take that as a yes."

[A/N.  Shorter simple chapter, but I don't care I'm sure you'll get some enjoyment out of this little interaction.

Picture from a comic by Beutysnake.


Deep Blue (Lapidot human/Genderswap SU Fancfic)Where stories live. Discover now