Lies and Detirmination

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[Haha long chapter as I've been promising!

Didn't get to the backstory part... but maybe next chapter?

And I am pricing together a puzzle cause I can and is it evil of me to want you guys to try and solve it?

And Muahahaha another player~


Lapis POV.

I twitched, groaning softly as i yawned and sat up.

When did I even fall asleep? I rubbed my face. I was exhausted again.


I scooted to the edge of the bed, flopping down on my stomach and grabbing my phone. I cringed as it came on, the light slightly blinding me.

"Ow..." I adjusted and swiped, opening my phone.

Same old...

Wait... messege? When did I get a messege?

I sat up again. I never got messeges unless it was from...

Oh god...

I opened it and breathed a slight sigh of relief when it wasn't Emil.

But in a way it was worse.

Nix... ugh.

"Ugh? I thought you liked Nix, Mr. Pervert."

We have peridot now.

I gulped and shook my head, and clicked on the messege.

(NIX-4-FUN): hey~ been a while, hasn't it?

I rolled my eyes at her familier flirting, and looked at a second messege, which was sent about 40 minutes after the first.

(NIX-4-FUN): cmon lappy~ you aren't still mad, are you? Can't we at least talk? I know PART of you wants to...

Eww. Desperate... ugh. I don't even want to think about her. You think blondie is awake yet?

"Just... chill okay?" I had enough of thinking about peridot. It was pointless. Besides, I had 1 more messege to read.

(NIX-4-FUN): fine, fine. You're no fun anymore. Greg is having a monster-party tomarrow night. Figured you might need an energy boost. Come if you want...

A party... a "monster-party". Great. Just what I need. Am excuse to get of my butt and go out around what is almost certain to be dozens of girls...

Or I could stay here and obsess over the blonde I can't seem to stop thinking about.

I sighed. Both had upsides and downsides.

If I went to the party, I would probably get my mind off of her for a while, but God knows if nix finds me there...

And if I stay I could avoid that mess and all that temptation... but suffer internally.

Suffer? You're the one making this bad.

I rubbed my face again, laying it in my hands. I looked at the messeges again.

I needed energy...

No. Stop.

I COULD avoid nix...

Avoid NIX? Are you joking? That girl has ways of sniffing you out. YOU specifically.

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