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Lapis POV.

I hated being like that with Emil, but surely he realized she already knew so much? Lying to her wasnt gonna help.

Eventually he managed to get her and amythest up to peridots room, while I sat on the couch. He walked back in and blinked at me.

"I'm sorry." I looked at him, puzzled.

"Sorry? For what?"

"For doubting you. I didn't want her..." he sighed. "I just want to keep her safe, and staying away from you... that was part of what I thought would achieve that."

He looked up with a hesitant smile. "You've kept her safe, lapis. Thank you. I appreciate everything you've done."

Wow. Very mature of him. So he trusts us now.

I stayed silent for a moment. "So... you're not mad that i... I took energy from her?" I looked back up nervously.

"Not... not mad. I mean I would've proffered you not to, but the situation was tense. How bad were your wounds?"

Well she certainly healed me up~ she's very warm. Can we get More hugs?

"Pretty bad. I was actually a little scared." I gave a huff of laughter. "But... I'm still worried about one thing."


We looked at eachother.


Is it possible to hate her to the point I'd like to wring her neck and throw her to the pixies? Theyd have fun getting revenge for what she did.

"I didn't think she'd show heherface around there after what happened." He growled.

I nodded. "She pretty much screwed over 2 of the packs and kissed off half of the others. I'm surprised they haven't ran her off yet."

Or killed her.

Emil nodded slightly while crossing his arms. "It doesn't make sense at the very least."

I stood, letting out a heavy breath. "She broke in late last night, after peridot fell asleep. She's pissed at me and wants to hurt peridot." I Gave him a sad look. "She's not one to let things go."

And she said she's changed. I call ALL the bullshit.

He growled. "What else did she say?"

"How much she wants me back. I kept telling her we were never together... god I..." I groaned, scratching the back of my neck. "I can't help but think it's my fault. I never meant for any of this..."

Emil layed a light hand on my shoulder, and I glanced back up. "No, lapis. You were just trying to survive. I understand how desperate you got. It isn't your fault she is a psyco."

He gave me a halfhearted smile before letting it fade and removing his hand. "But I do need you to stay here. Your house probably isn't as safe anymore anyways. I just need you to keep her safe... I can't lose her lapis."


I nodded, trying to ignore th voice. Though admittedly it seem calmer. "I know. I won't let them hurt her. How long will you be gone?"

He walked over to the kitchen, and I followed as he grabbed some sodas from the fridge. "2-3 weeks. But the director at BCU is letting me take the first semester off since I'm coming in during break to help."

He took a sip from his soda, before contenuing. "I can still call or text you or Peridot. Keep me updated on everything. Any werewolves or anyone else, especially nix-" he pointed at me, being dead serious. "-and any attacks."

"Of course. So... wait I'm staying... here?" He nodded, setting his soda down.

"Amythest can watch her at school, and I doubt they would go after her there with so many witnesses... but at home, or anywhere else, I need you to be by her side." He paused, sighing then raking his hand through his messy blonde hair.

I'd like nothing more. Won't keep my eyes off her~

Oh. Well nownow that's the voice I remember.

"I... I'd also like it if you would tell me if she starts to show signs of..." he broke of, looking at me.

"Of being a werewolf." There was a short silence, and I leaned into the counter. "I'll be her personall werewolf bodyguard. Everything that happens you will know about."

Nice. I like that title. Bodyguard.

He gave a genuine smile, and punched my arm a bit. "Thank you..." he took another sip of his soda.

"I didn't tell her... Everything. The full extent of my... ability. Not about.." I leleaed more, whispering."the voice... or the other thing..." Emil looked up.

"I also appreciate that."

I smiled and took a sip of my soda. "Well... I didn't want her to think that I'm insane. Hearing voices." I chuckle a bit.

You're not crazy, silly. I mean... unless you mean crazy about her.

I choked a but on my soda at the voices remark and coughed. Emil shot me a strange look and I laughed it off.

"I shouldn't drink so fast... haha."

Curse this voice.

[What y'all though I was done posting HAHA


Lol enjoy

(Btw I love this reverse color voltron edit 😍 I have more and I love them)

856 words]

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