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Lapis POV.

I reached the edge of school grounds, stopping and taking in a deep breath.

Bad. Very bad. We can't smell her.

"She's not dumb... she wouldn't go to the Forrest. Calm down." I swear I felt insane with this voice sometimes.

I made my way around, until i caught a faint wiff. That's definitely her. I followed it, with the scent getting stronger.

The field?

I stepped up onto the bleachers, to where I could see her. She was running around the track at a surprising speed, but it seemed so natural...

I sat down, just kindof amazed. She hadn't seen me, that or she didn't care.

It was... indescribable. She looked like all the stress from the past 2 or so weeks was gone.

I honestly lost track of time... I don't know how long I was sitting there, watching her run. But eventually peridot seemed to wear out, slowing and stopping to lay face up on a bench.

I made my way over, stopping next to her.

"Feel better?" I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

She huffed, but stayed laying on the bench. A genuine smile spread across her face.

"How long have you been here?" She lifted her head up. "I didn't notice you were here until now..."

"I... not long." Does it count as a lie if I honestly have no idea?

"Wait... why are you here?" She sat up fully, still breathing deeply.

"Well you freaked amythest out. She called me. What happened at lunch?" I sat on the edge of the bench.

She sighed, wiping hair out of her eyes. "Just... mashed potatos..."

I couldn't help but snort a laugh, and she turned to me, smiling. "What?"

"Real detailed explanation there." I gave a smug look and laughed again.

"Yeah well now it's all kindof a blur. I just remember needing to GET OUT. I didn't think about... you know, worrying you." She looked down, poking the dirt with the tip of her shoe.

"Blur..." I whispered, thinking. That's strange. "You mean you felt like... claustrophobic or something?"

She shrugged. "I... I guess?"

"You always run like that?" I asked, curios.

"It's calming. So... yeah. Why? Sorry... again..." she blushed a bit stretching her legs while sitting.

"Just... let me or amythest know when you leave. It's not safe."

She sighed. "It's only been a few days and I feel like I'm going insane. Like I'm trapped."

She growled to herself, rubbing her forehead. "And I know you're just trying to protect me, but I don't want to be helpless."

"I'd be lying if I said I knew what that felt like. But i understand." I scooted closer, smiling. "With werewolves, sometimes we just have an urge to blow off steam. Running, howling, acting like our wolf. Maybe you ARE part werewolf."

She turned, a bit surprised. "Well... of course, genetically... But I haven't transformed."

I shook my head "I'm saying more like instincts. It could be why you like to run. And how you're so good at it." I turned to look at the sky, instead of her.

"Would it be... bad to want to be a werewolf?" She asked. I shrugged in response.

"I'm not the best person to ask. Your brother would say yes. Not that he would hate you for being one... just he doesn't want that for you. Sometimes it's a burden."

"I bet." She flipped her leg back over the bench to sit normally, and put her hands together.

"Lapis, I have SO many questions. So many that I forget them as quickly as i think of them. And truth be told... I'm scared." We both turned, facing eachother.

"I'm scared of you or Emil getting hurt because of me. I'm scared that Nix will come back. And I'm scared that I might be something I barely know about."

I was shocked. She opened her hands, looking at them.

"It just feels like all this time I never even knew myself... and that's a scary thing lapis."

There was a small silence.

"You know what I'm scared of?" She turned to look at me.

"I'm scared that my other half will consume me. That I'll hurt someone. That I'll lose what little people I have left." I didn't expect to open up, but it felt so good to be honest.

"Well I'm still here lapis. You aren't a monster. A beast, yes. Monster?" She smiled. "Never."

She bumped me with her shoulder. "And we got eachother. It makes me a little less scared."

But most of all... I'm scared of losing you.


It feels like forever. I keep getting writers block.

785 words total]

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